Season 5 Episode 12 Vault of the Spring Maiden

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Jaune's POV

"LUNA!!" I scream as I watch her fall to the ground. I pick up my sword and run over to her. I slide down on my knees and turn her laying up towards me. Ren runs over to her and starts to check her pules as I look up watching as Oscar and Nora go check on Ruby.

"Ruby get up come one we need you." I hear Oscar say as he is trying to shake her awake.

"OZPIN!!" We all here Hazel yell at Oscar. "You thought you could hide from me." He says as he tears of his coat and grabs dust out of his pockets. "You'll pay for what you did. You'll die. Over. And over. Again." He finishes as he inserts dust into his body. As I look at Luna, I put my hands on her stab wound to try and stop the bleeding. I look up I see the statue lowers and Cinder, Raven and Vernal enter down into the Vault. 

"Stop them!!" I hear Nora scream to Yang. "We got the family covered."

"Ren talk to me." I say as I keep my hands on her side. 

"This is bad." He says as he looks down at his sister. 

"No no no. Not again. Luna come on please." I say in tears. 

"She's hardly breathing. I-I. I don't know what we can do." Ren says as he is almost in tears. I watch as Luna is breathing heavily and slowly.

"No. No, it wasn't supposed to be like this. Please. We can't lose anyone else." I say as more tears come flowing out my eyes. As I close my eyes I hear a Gasp. As I look at her, I see her covered in a glow and breathing gasping as she starts to breath normally. "W-what's happing?" I ask.

"Luna?!" Ruby says as she gets up and her and Nora run over. "What happened?! What's going on!?"  

"I think she's going to be ok. She seems to be stabilizing." Ren says as Nora grabs Luna's hand and smiles with tears forming in her eyes.  Ruby grabs my hands and pulls them off of Luna's wound hovering over a bit. 

"Whatever hovering doing don't stop." Ruby tells me.

"I won't." I say looking down at Luna.

"Good. Oscar need's help." Ruby says looking back at Oscar fighting Hazel.

"I'm on it." Ren says standing up.

"Jaune and Luna still need cover." Ruby says looking at me and Luna.

"No one's going to touch them." Nora says as she stands with her hammer right next to me and her sister.

"Ok. Make it happen RNJR." Ruby says as she flips off and goes to help Yang. 

Mercury's POV

I watch as Ruby runs over to help Luna as I run over to Cinder and Emerald.

"That was not part of the plan." I tell Cinder pissed.

"No. But it gave us an opening. And that is what we need." Cinder says as she walks over to the vault.

"Don't tell me you actually have care for her?" Emeralds says as I look over at the Luna. 

"No." I say as I run off to go fight Yang. As Cinder, Raven and Vernal lower into the vault.

Raven's POV

 We make it down to the Vault and walk off the elevator as we walk off Vernal in from and me and Cinder behind her.

"Having fun?" Cinder asks Vernal as she grabs a leaf that floated down.

"Vernal stay focused." I tell her.

"Oh. Come now Raven let her enjoy this. It's a once in a lifetime experience." Cinder tells me as we walk to the Giant gold door. 

"How does this work." Vernal asks.

"Once the spring madden places her hand on the door it will open. For you and only you. Then I will walk into the vault and retrieve the relic. No one else. It that clear." Cinder says.

"Yes, it doesn't matter to us. Let's just get this over with." I say as I put my hand on my sword.

"Alright then. When you're ready." Cinder tells Vernal. As I go to grab my sword I stop as Cinder starts talking. "You know. I've heard so many stories about you Raven. They say you're a cunning leader that your strong that your clever." She says as Vernal is about to touch the door. "It's a shame that they were wrong." She says as she throws ice at me.

"VERNAL!!" I scream before I'm completely frozen. As I'm trying to break out of the Ice I hear Vernal scream and struggle to breath.

"It's nothing personal dear. Your just not worthy of such power. But I am." I hear Cinder say as I am still struggling then I hear Vernal get slammed on the ground screaming in pain. "So, I will take. What was mine." I hear as then I don't hear her screaming anymore. "W-what what is this. Where's the power?!"

"You won't find it." I say as Cinder looks back at me as I braked out of the Ice. "Cause Vernal Isn't the spring Maiden." I say as I throw off my mask. 

"I AM!!" 

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