Luna's POV
Me and Ruby and up switching positions with Yang and Nova after a few hours. I hear Ruby's snores as I look up at the roof. As I roll over I hear Ruby say.
"Zwei it's late go back to bed." I look over to see Zwei get up and run off. "Zwei. Zwei!!" Ruby whisper yells as she slowly gets up. I get up with her and nod at her as we both grab out weapons run out side. "Zwei! Zwei where are you!?" Ruby whisper yells as we both look to see Zwei going to the bathroom Infront of us.
"Zwei this is a waste land. You litarly could have done that any where." Ruby says as we both walk over to Zwei. Zwei runs up to us and barks as Ruby picks Zwei up we both hear someone say.
"What was that?" I then grab Ruby's arm and pull her behind a building with me. We both look out to see two white fang members standing there.
"What was what?" One guy asks.
"I thought I heard a Bea wolf." The other guy says.
"Lets just finish our patrol and then get back to base. This place gives me the creeps." The guy says as they both start walking away. Ruby puts Zwei down as she starts to run after them.
"Wait! Ruby!!!.... Don't leave me!!" I wiper yell as I follow behind her. We both start sneaking behind the two guys as I pull my fans out. We then watch them as they start to go into a building. Ruby loses her balance and starts to wobble as I catch her and pull her behind the building. Ruby the holds Zwei out.
"Did they go in yet?" Ruby whispers. "One bark means yes." Ruby says as we both hear a door open then close. Zwei then barks as Ruby puts him down and we both stand up. "Oh! This is it! This is it!" Ruby whisper yells as we both pull out our scrolls to call out Teams.
"Aww man." I say as my scroll shows no connection.
"Come on we got to go get the others." Ruby says as we both start walking with Zwei following behind us. As we get a few steps I feel the ground brake below me.
"Huh?" Ruby says as the ground fully brakes making us fall. I drop my fans as Ruby drops her Scythe as we fall underground. As we land I land on my but as Ruby lands on her back. We both stand up and look around to see we are in a underground crime place.
"FREEZE!" I hear as I see two White fang members with guns run up to us through some doors.
"Where did they come from?" A guy asks. Ruby and I both back up until I hear Ruby scream a little. I grab her hand and pull her up. "Your a long way from home little girl's." I then go to grab for my fans but relies I dropped them I hear Ruby gasp as I see she doesn't have her Scythe either. One of the guys comes and grabs our arms as me and Ruby hit him off.
"Hey hands off!" Ruby says. She then goes to punch the guy but the guy punches her straight in the face making her get knocked down. I kick the guy in the balls and lean down to grab Ruby before I feel a hit to my head as everything goes black.
Daphne's POV
"Hey Weiss Daphne it's your turn- Ruby?....Luna?" I hear Yang say as I sit up to see Ruby and Luna gone. "Hey where are Ruby and Luna?"
"What?" Professor Oobleck says as he pops his head in the room. Zwei then comes running in the place barking. Everyone is now fully awake and sitting up.
"Zwei?" Yang asks as Zwei runs over to her.
"Whats going on?" Opal asks while yawning.
"Grab your weapons. Your leader's may be in trouble." Professor Oobleck say as we all grab our weapons and start to follow Zwei.
Luna's POV
I start to open my eyes as I see two guys dragging me and Ruby somewhere. As I look around I see a but tone of Schnee Dust company items everywhere as the white fand are moving things.
"Hey boss! We might have something you want to see." One of the guy's scream.
"Is it good or bad Parry because let me tell ya I have had a day." I hear the voice of Torchwick say.
"Uhh. It's two little girl's?" The guy Parry says confused. I then see Torchwick come out.
"That would be bad." He says as he throws his joint off to the side.
Daphne's POV
As we walk up we see a crater.
"Ruby's Scythe!" Yang says.
"Luna's Fans?!" I say as I go and pick my leaders fans up as Yang picks her sisters Scythe up.
"Oh no. Do you think they fell?" Weiss asked.
"Fell?'" Professor Oobleck says as he looks up.
"Down there." Opal says annoyed as she points to the giant hole Infront of us.
"Fell? Of course of course of course!!!!" Professor Oobleck as he starts walking around.
"What?" Nova asks.
"What is it?!" Yang asks.
"Doctor Oobleck Whats wrong?!" I ask.
"Mountain Glen!! Yes, an expansion of Veil that was inevitably destroyed by the creatures of Grimm. Previously homed to thousands of people, working people commute to the city. The main city! Developed a subway system To the Inner City. The Grimms attack increases the population in danger. Now desperately searching for Shelter. City evacuates into metro Tunnels and what do they find!!!! The southeast quadrant of Vail is known for wild Four and great caves."
"Doc What are talking about?" Yang asks.
"My dear we're not just looking for an underground crime network. We're looking for it underground crime network!!!!" Professor Oobleck screams.
"They've been working in caves?" Blake asks.
"No no! Mountain Glen was Vail's first failed attempt at expansion. It worked for a short period of time thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense and unique transportation. The city of Vail Built in elaborate subway system to Carry citizens safely to the new territory into the main Kingdom. Sadly without the many natural barriers they'll have to protect its borders. Mountain Glenn was doomed from the start and as the engineer the Citizens of the territory made one last attempt at survival. They took shelter beneath the city in massive caves. They hid beneath the subway. And they had cut themselves off from the surface" Professor Oobleck says as I got lost with how fast he was talking.
"An underground village?!" Nova asks.
"In a matter of speaking yes. A safe haven Until........An explosion opened another Cavern. Filled with subterranean Grimm. After that.....The kingdom officialy sealed off the tunnels. Creating the worlds largest tomb. If Ruby and Luna are down there." Professor Oobleck says as his mug turns into a weapon.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
Teen FictionThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...