Season 5 Episode 10 True Colors

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Luna's POV

"Luna!!" Ruby sings my name down the hallway.

"Ruby!" I sing back as I continue my book that I'm reading in my shared room.

"Hi!" She says as she pops her head into my room.

"What's up Rubs?" I asks as I close my book.

"I need to go talk to Ozpin and Uncle Qrow. Do you want to come with me?" She asks smiling at me.

"Why?" I ask as she looks at me with big eyes.

"Because I think there talking and I don't really want to interrupt them." Ruby says as she fidgets with her hands.

"So, you want me to interrupt them?" I ask her as she nods at me. "Fine. Only because I like to mess with Uncle Qrow." I say with a smirk.

"Come on!" Ruby says as she grabs my hand and drags me down the hall with her. She then drags me to the living room as we see Oscar and Qrow sitting on the couches talking to each other.

"Helloooooo!" I sing as me and Ruby walk in. 

"Hi." Ruby says as we both stand behind Qrow's armchair.

"Ah. Miss. Lie Valkyrie. Miss. Rose. Please join us. We we're just about to gather everyone to discuses our next steps." Oscar. Well Ozpin says as me and Ruby both take a seat on the couch next to Qrow.  

"Oh, a Great." Ruby says a little quiet.

"Something on your mind kiddo?" Qrow asks. Ruby looks down and sighs as I grab her hand.

"If its okay to ask?" Ruby asks as she looks at Qrow.

"Of course." Qrow says with a smile.

"Well. Uh, we've been talking about the relic at Haven. And the spring maiden but. What about the fall maiden?" Ruby asks as I tense up.

"Cinder." I say as I look at Ruby. 

"Does that mean Salam has the beacon relic?" Ruby asks as I look at Ozpin with curiosity. Ozpin and Qrow both look at each other before looking back at us.

"Very astute Miss Rose I was wondering who would be the first to ask. No. Thankfully she does not. It's true that the relic at haven is very much at risk and for now that should remain our primary focus. Let's just say I made finding the relic at beacon a bit more challenging than at the other schools." Ozpin says as he gives us a smile.

"Phew. That's good to hear." Ruby says with a smile.

"It is. But let's not forget the challenges that still lie before us." Ozpin tells us as me and Ruby both look at each other and nod at the two adults. "Now is there anything else we can help you with?"

"Umm. Well, I did have one more question." Ruby says as she puts a finger up.

"No, my cane is not a relic." Ozpin says answering her question.

"I have no more questions." Ruby says as I slap my head, and everyone chuckles.

"Yes. While this cane is indeed very precious to me it is also just that. Precious to me. While I admit it still has a few more tricks up its sleeve. I can firmly say being a relic isn't one of them. Now why don't you two run and get the other students." Ozpin says as Qrow's scroll then rings. Qrow takes his scroll out of his pocket and looks at it to see Professor Lionheart calling.

"Yeah." Qrow says as he picks up the phone. "Okay. Yeah, we'll be there." Qrow finishes his conversation as he hangs up.

"That was the shortest conversation ever." I say as Ruby chuckles.

"Who was it?" Ruby asks as Qrow sighs.

"It was Leo. Says he had a brake through with the counsel. Thinks he might be able to get us a small reading party for the bandits. He said to meet up at the school tomorrow night to walk us through it." Qrow says as he pulls out his flask.

"Huh really!?!" Ruby asks exited as I look at Ozpin with a I don't trust Leo look. "Oh, that's great I'll go get the others!" Ruby says as she runs off.

"That sounds drastically different from your original conversation does it not?" Ozpin asks Qrow.

"It does." Qrow says as he sips his flask.

"Interesting." Ozpin says looking at his drink.

"Things aren't good Oz." Qrow says taking a drink of his drink.

"Father? Do you think Mother has something to do with this?" I ask as Ozpin and Qrow both look at me.

"You think Leo is working for her?" Ozpin asks with a confused and a 'why would you think that look'.

"Yes. I do. He has shown all the signs. He's been stumbling around the truth I have a feeling he's been lying about the council, and have you noticed he hasn't really been talking to us at all. And he's also stayed very silent about everything." I say as Qrow looks down.

"She got a point Oz." Qrow says as he puts his flask away.

"I hope he's not. But I have no idea. But what I do know. Is that we need to stay alert." Ozpin says as he looks at me.

"Yes father." I say as I start to walk away.

"And Luna." 

"Yes?" I ask as I turn around.

"Thank you." Ozpin tells me with a smile. I smile back and nod as I continue to walk away.

Thank you for what? 

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