Luna's POV
Everyone is sitting In front of the fire. Except Ruby and Qrow. Ruby is sitting on the stairs while Qrow is sitting in a chair in the other room drinking. Wiess is sitting next to me while Blake is next to her and Yang is on the other side of me.
"It's a diary?" Oscar asks Maria.
"The head of this house hold. Bartelbee. Apparently he and several other family's founded this little settlement to try and live on there own. It sounds like it worked at least before a spell." Maria says as she points at the stack of books she has read so far.
"Grimm?" Oscar asks looking at Maria.
"Just one of many hard ships. Slowed down there farming. Made everything harder. Its a shame really. They seamed like ambitious fellows. Always thinking of new schemes to over come the yards." Maria says. Ruby walks in.
"Guy's. Qrow said to get some sleep. We're goanna head out early tomorrow." Ruby says looking at all of us.
"Thank goodness." Blake says as we all stand up.
"The last thing you'll catch me doing is letting some kid tell me what to do." Maria says as she gets up and walks to another chair with a lamp. "Go to bed." She mimics Ruby turning the lamp on and opening a book. Ruby smiles and shrugs.
We all start to set up our sleeping places. Ruby and Yang sleep with one blanket and mattress. Me and Weiss share one and Blake, Oscar as well as Maria get their own. I lay down and Weiss lays next to me, I cuddle up next to her out of fear and warmth. Weiss wraps her arms around me as I start to feel my eyes become heavy and before I know it I'm out cold.I open my eyes and sit up slowly. I rub my eyes and look around to see everyone asleep. I then hear glass drop and a gasp. I look over to see Ruby sitting up and breathing heavily.
"Ruby?" I ask my voice still a little bit groggily.
"Luna?" Ruby says. She looks over at me. I nod to her as we both get up and walk over to the window. I open the blinds wide as Weiss mumbles.
"Close the window." Ruby looks at me and nods over to where Qrow is sitting asleep with bottles of alcohol around him. We both walk into the room as Ruby picks up a bottle that rolled away. We then both walk over to him.
"Uncle Qrow. Come on get up." Ruby says as I shake his shoulder.
"Leave me alone." Qrow mumbles in his sleep.
"Come one we over slept." Ruby says as Qrow pushes my arm away. Out of anger I take the bottle from Ruby and throw it against the wall. The glass shattered and Qrow shoots up.
"What?!?" He asks as he looks around and then see's the broken glass bottle. "Oh. Right. Sunrise." Qrow says as he looks down and Ruby hugs him.
"You know you can talk to me about stuff. Yang too." Ruby says as Qrow pats her back.
"Lets just get out of here." He says as he stands up and ruffles my hair before walking out. Me and Ruby woke everyone up as we all start to get ready to leave. Yang and Weiss get a hook connected to the back of Yang's bike as Oscar and Blake sit on the steps. I am packing up all of the stuff in the house that we used and grabing some blankets as well just in case. Qrow and Ruby are grabing the trailer to put on the back of Yang's bike to hold us all so we can leave. I stop packing in the middle and start to feel really drowsy. I then walk out side with Maria. I sit on the steps behind Oscar and Blake.
"Can we just go back to bed?" Oscar asks leaning on his hand.
"If we're all so tired maybe we should make breakfast." Blake suggests tiredly.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
JugendliteraturThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...