Season 4 Episode 6 Tipping Point

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Luna's POV

"Another day another adventure." Nora says as we continue to walk. We've all just started walking about less then 30 minutes ago.

"What's on the agenda today?"  Ruby asks.

"Walking." Jaune says enthusiastically.

"With a side of!!" Nora says.

"Walking." Ren says. Ruby sighs.

"Haven is a lot farther away than I thought." Ruby says. I look down at the sketch book in my hand and continue to draw.

"Ruby. How long did you think this journey was going to take?" Ren asks the red hood girl.

"I don't know!!" Ruby says throwing her arms up. "I grew up in a small area. I've never been this far away from home!"

"Right. But how long?" Jaune asks still looking at the map.

"Maybe like Uhhhhh. Two weeks." She says quietly.

"WHAT!?" Jaune yells out looking at her like she's nuts. I put my sketchbook back in my bag as I look at Ruby and Jaune smiling.

"Ok fine!! Three or something!!  Look whatever." Ruby says. "Hey what's that?" Ruby asks as I lift my head up to see a town. Nora jumps on a poll seeing if she could see anything.

"That's strange. I didn't think we would be hitting another village for a few days." Jaune says looking at the map.

"Are those buildings damaged?" Nora asked as I jumped up with her to see what she's talking about.  

"We should search for survivors." Jaune says as he drops the map, and we all run into the town. Nora and I start jumping on top of the buildings looking around as much as we can.

"Anything?" Ruby asks looking around.

"Nothing over here." I hear Nora 's voice.

"Nothing over here either." I say as I jump down next to Jaune and Nora lands next to me.

"It almost seems like. The town was abandoned." Ren says as he is kneeling down touching the ground. We all then start walking around looking.

"Hey, I think I found something!!" Nora yells as we all run over to her to see a sign that says ONIYURI. 

"Oniyuri. Never herd of it." Nora says looking at the sign in front of her.

"Me either." Jaune says looking around. 

"I have." Ren says looking down.

"I have as well." I say looking away from the sign.

"You may think of it as Armina's mountain glean had it never been completed." Ren says looking over at a wall.

"Years ago, the people of Mistral were unhappy of how the kingdom was being run. Mad with the counsel they pulled their resources together to create their own city.  With their own law's." I say as I gesture around us.

"They hoped that one day it could become its own kingdom. Many thought it would be the future." Ren says as he starts to walk away but stops. " I know my parents did." 

"What happened?" Ruby asks looking at me.

"What do you think happened." I ask as I walk over to Ren and watch him swipe the dirt off a railing to see Grimm marks. 

"The Grimm." Jaune says.

"Not just anyone." Ren says as I watch him tighten his fist.

"One?" Ruby asks. Birds start flying around us making me jump.

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