Season 6 Episode 1 Argus Limited

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Luna's POV

It's been two weeks since the attack on Haven. I'm healing up well. The place where Cinder stabbed me has now closed up and is a scar. A cool one at that. I am now sitting at a train station with Team's RWBY OJNR along with me and Qrow. We all have bags sitting around ready to leave for Argus. I'm sitting in-between Ren and Jaune as I read a book. From the corner of my eye, I see Ruby zoom by and stand right in front of Yang holding something behind her back grinning. 

"And?" Yang says as Ruby holds a bag up and smiles brightly. 

"What an absolute waste of tim-" Weiss gets cut off by Yang zooming up towards Ruby.

"What did you get me?!" She asks all exited. 

"You'll have to wait and see." Ruby says as she shimmies her shoulders.

"No fair!" Yang says as Ruby sticks her tongue out at her. Nora then jumps in between the two.

"I can't believe we are taking a train to Argus! Beautiful northern coast line!" Nora says as she dances around. "You think its to early for beach season?" Nora asks as I look up to see Ren in a thought bubble of him on the beach.

 "You think its to early for beach season?" Nora asks as I look up to see Ren in a thought bubble of him on the beach

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I pop his bubble pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Unfortunately. But we will be one more step closer to Atlas." Ren says as he looks down at me. 

"Well, I'm glad your all exited. But I don't think you apricate all the trouble I went through to leave Atlas." Weiss says looking away.

"I know your worried Weiss. But trust us Team RWBY won't leave your side for a second." Ruby tells Weiss. Weiss smiles a little. 

"No one's got to be worried with us around." Some guy says as two men walk up to us. I look up from my book before rolling my eyes and looking back down.

"Andddddd? You are?" Nora asks as Ren and Jaune stand up.

"Why Dee and Dudley of course. Argus very own huntsmen. We'll be keeping everyone safe as we pass through Grimm territory." Dee says. I chuckle a bit as the two look at me.

"But....For an extra tip we can make sure your car gets extra special attention. Should things get dangerous." Dudley says as I put my bookmark in my book and slam the book shut making everyone jump. I then stand up and walk right over to the two idiots.

"Okay. I'm just call you dumba** one and dumba** two. And as I speak for all of us standing right here, we all can take care of our self's just fine." I say and give them a fake smile as they look at each other.

"Well young lady might I say you have a pretty smile." Dee says as he reaches out to touch my face. I grab his hand and bend it backwards as I then twist his arm around and slam him into the ground. I can see Dudley backing up slowly as I let go of Dee. 

"And that was with me being hurt. Now do us all a favor and scram. Or I could you know......................Brake your legs." I say as I put my fans together to create my hammer. Both of their eyes widen before running away. I disassemble my hammer and put my fan's back in my holsters as I turn around and see Qrow smirking at me. "What?"

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