Luna's POV
Weiss comes out in her outfit and her sword. She point's her sword at the cage.
"Go Weiss!" Yang cheers.
"Fight well." Blake says while holding a tiny flag that says RWBY on it. Where'd she get that?
"Yeah. Represent Team RWBY!!" Ruby chears as she throws her hands up.
"Ruby I'm trying to foces." Weiss yells at Ruby.
"Oh sorry." Ruby apologizes sinking into her chair.
"All right. Let the match. Begin!!" Professor Port says as he cuts open the cage and a Boarbatusk comes out charging at Weiss. She dose a side roll and slices the Boar's tusks as it runs past her. The Boar then stops and looks at her.
"Ah ha. Wasen't expecting that were you." Professor Port ask.
"Hang in there Weiss!" Ruby says.
Weiss pushes her self off of on of er Glyphs charging at it with her sword out in front of her. The Boar then moves its head and getting her sword stuck in its tusks and swings her around.
"Come on Weiss show it who's boss." Ruby cheers. The Boar filgs her sword away from her and knocks her back as she falls back.
"Oh oh. Now what will you do with out your weapon?" Professor Port asks. The Boar the charges at her as she ducks and rolls out of the way making the Boar run into the stands. She then slides to the ground and picks up her sword.
"Weiss go for its belly. There's no armor underneath-." Ruby starts but gets cut off by Weiss yelling.
"Stop Telling me What To DO!!!!" The Boar then starts to sonic dash over to Weiss who makes one of her Glyph Shield to make it stop and fall flat on its back. She then jumps up on one of her Glyphs above her and comes down stabbing it the stomach Breathing heavy as she hits the ground on her knees.
"Bravo Bravo. It appears we are indeed of the precents of a true Huntress in training." Professor Port says. " I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings. And stay vigilant. Class desmisd" Port says as Weiss storms out angerly with Ruby going after her.
"Gezz What's with her?" Jaune asks.
"Don't know." Nova says as the rest of us walk out of the class room.
"Me and Blake are going to head to our dorms." Yang says.
"Ok see you later." Nova says as they walk away.
"You want to go get lunch?" Jaune asked as everyone agreed.
"You guys go ahead I'm going to go study." I say.
"You sure??" Nora asks trying to prosway me.
"Yeah I'm sure." I say as I chuckle and walk to my dorm.
Well that was a day.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
Novela JuvenilThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...