Season 2 Episode 5 Extracurricular

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Luna's POV

I watch as Pyrrha comes out in her combat gear and weapons. She takes her Spear and blocks Cardin's attack then flips him on his back. She takes on 2 people of Cardin's team as she blocks there attacks then kicks them both on there buts. Cardin and one of his Teammates go after her as she does a twist flip and kicks one of there legs sending them to the ground as she hits Cardin with his shield and it bounces off and hits his teammate to the ground. She flips up and grabs her shield and slams down on Cardin's teammates. Pyrrha then takes out Cardin's other teammates with ease. She then dose a twist around Cardin and slams him to the ground winning the match. 

"And that's the match."  Professor Goodwitch says as she walks up in between Pyrrha and Cardin whos is on the ground.

"Lucky shot." Cardin says before passing out face first into the ground. 

"Well done miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament." Professor Goodwitch says congratulating Pyrrha.

"Thank you Professor." Pyrrha say smiling in victory. 

"Alright. I know that's a tuff act to follow but we have time for one more sparing match." Professor Goodwitch says as she then looks at Blake. "Ms. Belladonna. You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-"

"I'll do it." Mercury cuts her off as I look at him with wide eyes.

"Mercury is it.  Very well lets find you an appoint." Professor Goodwitch say's looking at her scroll.

"Actually. I want to fight. Her." Mercury says as he points at me smirking.

"Me?" I ask confused as I point at my self and look down at professor Goodwitch.

"I'm afraid Ms. Lie Valkyrie isn't up for a choice. You're going to have to choose another opponent." Professor Goodwitch says as she crosses her arms.

"No. It's fine." I say stopping professor Goodwitch. "I'd be happy to battle him." I say as everyone looks at me with wide eyes.

"Luna. Your not supposed to fight today." Daphne says to me. I ignore her comment and walk away. I get into the changing room and get my combat gear on and grab my weapon's as I walk out. I smirk as I see Mercury looking at me. 

"Brake his legs Luna!!!" I hear Nora scream. Me and Mercury both get into fighting position. I pull out my fans and put them together to create my Bow as I look at him. Mercury runs towards me and kicks at me. I use my arm to block his kick and push him back. He does 5 back handsprings and lands on his feet. Show off. I go at him as he kicks me a few times but I block each one with my bow. I then flip back kicking him in the jaw as I land on the ground. He jumps up and dose a round kick at me but I back up before he can hit me. He goes to do another one as I tuck and roll back. He then runs up to me as I change my Bow back to my fans to block the kicks he sends at me. He kicks my fans away and goes to kick at my face but I put my arm up blocking him. I then smirk at him as I kick in between his crotch. I flip back and land on my hands as he comes at me again I do a twist and kick his hand away as I then kick him in his jaw flipping up. I run at him as he jumps up and uses his leg's to push off my arms and land a few feet away from me. I start running at him again only for him to stand up straight.

"I forfeit." He says as he looks at Professor Goodwitch and I slide on my heals stopping right past him. 

"You. Don't even want to continue?" I ask confused as I see everyone's eyes widen.

"What's the point. You have had years fighting. I've only had one to few years experience. We're clearly years apart." He says as my eye's widen and I freeze up.

"In that case. Lie Luna Valkyrie is the victor of the match once again." Professor Goodwitch says. "Next time you may want to think a little harder when picking a opponent." 

"I'll make sure of that." Mercury says as he starts to walk away and the bell rings.

"That is all for today. And remember the dance is this weekend. But you all have your first mission on Monday. I will not accept any excuses." Professor Goodwitch says as I walk into the changing room. Pyrrha and Nora walk in as I finish changing back into my school uniform.

"That was odd." Pyrrha says as she crosses her arm's looking at me with a 'go talk to him' look..

"Ya that was." I say as I look at them both. 

"I mean technically you won so yay!!" Nora says as I walk out. 

"Ya but I think he meant to do that." I say as I grab my bag from the side.

"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asks as her and Nora follow me to the door.

"I'll tell you later." I say as I walk past them both and out of the room.

As I walk down the hallway to Mercury's dorm I bang on the door.

"Mercury!!. You better get your butt out here!!" I yell as he opens the door and smirks at me.

"Hey doll face." I twist him around and slam him onto a wall as I look at him.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." I tell him as he leans towards my ear.

"I wanted to see what you could do." He says as my eyes widen and I back up.

"Well did you get what you wanted?" I ask him crossing my arms glaring at him as he walks forward.

"Yes I did." He say as he smirks at me again. I feel my eye twitch as I take a deep breath.

"Good." I say as I let him go and start walking away.

"You look good doll face." He says as I flip him off and continue walking. As I walk down the hall I here Jaune singing. I turn to see him at Team RWBY's dorm.

"Weiss Schnee. Will you accompany me to the dance on...... Sunday." He sings as Weiss slams the door in his face. I chuckle and walk past him.

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