Luna's POV
I am in my dorm room with my team as Ironwood tells me.
"You have left us with no choice."
"B-but he attacked me. I would never hurt my own Boyfriend!" I say looking up with tears in my eyes.
"Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise." Ironwood says walking towards the door.
"But Luna wouldn't do that!" Daphne says looking over at Ironwood.
"Yeah!" Opal chimes in standing up as Ironwood sighs.
"You all seem like good students. And the staff here at beacon are fully aware that you would never lash out the way you did...under normal circumstances. What I believe, and hope to be, is nothing more than the results of stress and adrenaline." Ironwood says looking at me as Opal sits back down. "When you're out on the battlefield, your judgement can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight has passed." He finishes.
"But I-"
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ironwood cuts me off yelling. He takes a breath before going on. "The sad truth is whether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw you attack an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that. You're disqualified." Ironwood says as Nova rolls her eyes.
"No shit." She says as Daphne hit's her arm. Ironwood walks out a bit pissed as I look down.
"Do you y'all believe me?" I ask looking back up at my team. Nova puts her hands behind her head and leans back a bit.
"Asshole had it coming."
"Nova!" Opal yells at her sister.
"What!?! Granted the timing was bad but I'll take what I can get. I hated that guy. Why did ya date him again?" Nova asks as Daphne smacks her upside the head. "Stop hitting me!"
"Wait? Are you still dating him?" Opal asks confused.
"I-I don't know. I don't think so. I would never hit him. With out a good reason." I say as look at Opal.
"What did you see?" Daphne asks as I take a breath.
"He mumbled "Not this time Bitch" Before attacking me. On instinct I defended myself." I answer as Daphne looks at me a bit confused. As Opal looks at me the same look as Daphne, but I can see in their eyes. They don't believe me. "I just need a minute to clear my head. Please. Just go." I say as Daphne nods.
"Okay." Opal says as the three of them get up walking out shutting the door behind them.
Daphne's POV
"She's lost it." Nova says crossing her arms as Jaune open's his door as Team RWBY and JNPR enter the conversation.
"Nova!" Opal says.
"What?! She first dates the guy! Did not like that. Then he attacks her. She Defends herself! And now she's crying about it! Girl needs to pick a lane!" Nova says as I smack her upside the head.
"So, I guess she's not doing, okay?" Jaune asks as Nova rubs her head.
"She's doing the best that she can." Opal says with a small head shake.
"I head Mercury, and his team traveled back to Haven to be with his family." Ruby says looking over at us.
"That guy has a family?" Nova asks as I glare at her.
"If there is anything that we can do, please don't hesitate to ask." Pyrrha says with a small smile.
"If that's the case. Pyrrha?" Opal asks. As Pyrrha looks over with a Hmm? "Win one for Beacon."
"It's what Luna would want." I say with a small smile.
"I'll......Do my best." Pyrrha says with a forced smile.
Luna's POV
I sit in my room looking out the window as I see Team JNPR walking down the courtyard.
"Hey there, Dew drop." I hear a voice as I turn my head to see Qrow leaning on the wall.
"Hey Uncle Qrow." I mumble.
"So. Why'd you, do it? You attacked your own boyfriend." Qrow asks crossing his arms.
"No. I didn't. You know that." I say looking away.
"All I know is that you attacked a helpless kid. So, either you're lying, or your crazy." Qrow says as he looks at me.
"I know what I saw." I say looking at him.
"So, you're crazy. Got it." Qrow says walking towards me.
"Maybe I am." I mumble looking down at my hands.
"And here I thought you darked haired brother was the emo one." Qrow says as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Luna. You shouldn't let this one slip up ruin your entire career. You know better than anyone what negative energy brings. And that could lead your mom straight to you." I sigh knowing that he's right. "I know it isn't easy. But nothing ever is. And you know that." He finishes before giving me one last smile before leaving.
After a while I hear a knock on my door as it opens.
"Hey sis! We just wanted to check on you." Nora says as she and Ren walk through the door. Ren closes the door behind them as I nod a little.
"I'm. Doing better." I say as Ren studies my face.
"I don't believe that." He says as Nora sits next to me. Ren pulls up a chair and sit's Infront of me.
"I didn't do it. I-I could never." I start to stutter at the end as Ren puts his hand on mine.
"Luna. We know. I've known you since you we're seven. And even though you've had sometimes where you have blown up. We know you would never do this." Ren says as Nora jumps in.
"Yeah! And besides you still get to stay in Beacon! It's not all bad." She says trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah. I-it's just hard." I mumble as Nora hugs me.
"I know water lily. But you'll get through it. If there is anything you need. We're right here." Ren says as I nod in Nora's arms.
"Come on. We're about to go watch Pyrrha's fight!" Nora says as she stands up pulling me up.
"Yeah. Let's go." I say with a small smile as the three of us walk out and to the arena. As we walk down the hall, I see someone go into the management doors. "Uh. You guys go ahead. I'll meet you down there." I say as Nora nods dragging Ren down the stairs. I walk through the door and down the hall as Mercury steps out of the Exit Hall. "Mercury?" I ask stepping back a bit.
"It looks like our first contender is. Penny Polendina from Atlas!" I hear Professor Port's voice. "And her opponent will be. Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!" My eyes widen as I realize. Penny is made of metal. Oh god, no.
"Oh, Polarity verses metal. Tsssh....That could be bad." Mercury says putting a hand to his chin. I go to grab my fans as I realize they are in my locker. Mercury smirks as he gets into fighting position.
"Come on babe. Let's dance." Mercury says with a smirk. I glare at him.
"Don't ever call me babe again." I say as I grit my teeth.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
Teen FictionThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...