Season 4 Episode 7 Punished

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Luna's POV

Qrow pushes Tyrion back and turns around to face him. 

"As I live and breathe. Qrow Branwen. A true huntsman has entered the frame." Tyrion says while bowing. I stand up and help Ruby us as Qrow turns around and looks at us in confusion.

"I don't know this guy's weird." Ruby says looking at her uncle.

"And phyco." I add as he nods and turns to face Tyrion. 

"Look pal I'm not sure who you are but you need to leave my Nieces alone." Qrow says as Tyrion.

"Why friend my name is Tyrion. And I'm afraid that's not possible. My assignment from your grace was to retrieve the young girls. SOOO that is what I must do. One does not upset the queen." Tyrion says smirking.

"Queen?" Ruby asks in confusion. 

"Salam." Me and Qrow say at the same time.

"Who?" Ruby asks again in confusion.

"I think we've had enough talk now don't you." Tyrion says as he bends down in a running position.

"You took the word's right out of my mou-." Qrow starts and gets cut off by Tyrion running at him. Qrow fights him and swings his sword at him as Tyrion dose a backhand sprang missing it. Tyrion goes to kick Qrow, but Qrow hits him with his sword sending him back. Tyrion lands as Qrow runs at him. Tyrion then tries to trip Qrow, but Qrow jumps and slices down at Tyrion. Tyrion rolls to the side and goes at Qrow again. Qrow starts blocking Tyrion's tail before jumping up and coming down to hit him. His sword hits Tyrion's hand weapons thing and makes a building break apart due to the vibrations.

Qrow smirks as he pushes Tyrion down more with his sword. Tyrion smirks back pushing him back before using his guns to shoot at Qrow. Qrow dose a back flip and lands as he starts blocking Tyrion bullets that are being shot at him. Ren and Nora both run up and try to hit him. But Tyrion kicks then both back as I catch Nora and Jaune catches Ren. Tyrion then goes after Qrow as Qrow blocks him with his sword and he turns around to look at us.

"Don't come closer." Qrow tells us as he then looks back at Tyrion.

"Fine." Ruby says as she runs off.

"Ruby!!" I yell as I go after her.

"Luna!" I hear Nora scream as I run up on the roof with Ruby. Ruby points her gut at Tyrion but him and Qrow are moving to much that she can't get a clear shoot. Tyrion uses his tail to grab Qrow's sword doing a back bend throwing it away into a wall. Tyrion comes back up and laughs as Ruby shoots at him. He then starts grabbing bullets with his tail while looking at me and Ruby. I watch Qrow look at his hand and put it in a fist shrugging before punching Tyrion straight in the face.

 I watch Qrow look at his hand and put it in a fist shrugging before punching Tyrion straight in the face

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Qrow continues to punch Tyrion in the face as he the kicks him back into the ground. Qrow walks around Tyrion while Tyrion dose jack shit. Qrow smiles as he walks over to his weapon. Tyrion then goes at Qrow, but Qrow jumps on his sword and presses a button to turn it to a gun to shot at him. Qrow then jumps on the roof with Tyrion following. Tyrion shoots at Qrow but Qrow blocks it. Qrow makes Tyrion fall through the roof but he grab's Qrow's foot taking him down with him. Ruby suddenly grabs my hand and drags me down the roof flipping us and landing on the ground. We start to run towards the house but then Qrow comes bursting out of a wall and throw's his sword landing on it all cool like.

 We start to run towards the house but then Qrow comes bursting out of a wall and throw's his sword landing on it all cool like

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(Anime was mistake)

Tyrion then comes out of the wall. Ruby and I nod at each other as we both cut in between Tyrion and Qrow. 

"Ruby! Luna!" I here Jaune scream as Ren puts a hand on Jaune's chest keeping him back. Nora then tries to step forward but Ren grab's her wrist. Nora looks back at Ren as he just shakes his head at her.

"Do you two wish to be taken?!" Tyrion asks happily.

"No." Ruby says angry.

"But we won't stand by and watch someone get hurt!" I yell out as me Ruby and Qrow all strike at him. Tyrion then kicks Qrow away as he starts trying to hit Ruby with his tail and trying to punch me as we both start blocking. Tyrion comes down on Ruby with his tail as her eyes widen, I put my fan in Between them and do a round kick kicking him back. Tyrion comes at me before Qrow steps in. 

"Ruby. Luna what did I say. Get back!" Qrow yells at us. 

"This is our fight too!!" Ruby yells running around trying to trip Tyrion. 

"No, it's not that. It's-" Qrow gets cut off by Ruby running at Tyrion. He kicks Ruby back as I come in slicing my fan down almost hitting him. I watch as the roof almost falls on Ruby, but Qrow comes in and slices it. They both smile at each other before Tyrion runs past me and slices Qrow in the side with his poisons tail. My eyes widen as I grab Ruby's scythe from her hand's before she could blink and slice his tail clean off. Tyrion screams loudly as he falls to the floor.

"You bitch!!!" Tyrion yells at me in pain as he try's walking towards me. I give Ruby her scythe back and walk over to him as Ren Nora and Jaune surround him.

"Tell your queen that I will stop her. No matter how many times she sends you to kill me." I tell him as he looks at me with wide eyes.

"S-she'll f-forgive you." He says running away. I then turn around to see Qrow drop to the ground. I run past Nora and Ren to get to Qrow.

"Uncle Qrow!!" Ruby screams out holding her uncle.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I put my hand's close to the wound. 

"I-I'll be fine. He just grazed me." Qrow says as he breaths heavily. He takes his hand off his wound shaking before he put it back on it. Nora, Ren and Jaune runs over.

"Who was that guy?!" Nora asked looking at Qrow.

"How did you get here?" Ren asked looking back.

"Why are people after Ruby and Luna!?!" Jaune asked. Qrow leans down his breath heavy.

"Uncle Qrow. What's going on?" Ruby asks.

"What's your favorite fairy tale." I mumble as everyone looks at me.

"What?" Ruby asks me confused. Qrow look's up.

"What's your favorite fairy tale?" Qrow asked looking at Ruby. 

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