Luna's POV
It's been a few weeks since me Nora, Ren, Jaune and Ruby have been traveling. As we are on a mission for a town that we have been staying at recently I start to think about Beacon. Again. I've been getting nightmares about it. A lot actually. It's come to a point where I don't sleep. Every night it's the same thing. Penny. Pyrrha. Mercury. Ozpin.
"I'm just saying there's more members of JNPR then there on this Team then there is RWBY and LODN. It just makes since to go with that one." Nora tells Ren as we are walking snapping me out of my thoughts.
"But JNRR Isn't a color." Ren says.
"UGGG. How can I be more clear." Nora says as we stop and she sticks her are out showing the letters J N R R. "One. Two. Three. That's more than One." Nora says pointing at the letters from R to J.
"But were helping Ruby with her objective." Ren says as he puts his arm up and the letters R N J R pop up. "Wouldn't that make her the leader?" Ren asks pointing at the first R.
"Guy's.. We need to focus." Jaune says as Me and him are kneeling down looking out behind a log. Ren and Nora's letters disappear as they both look our direction. "Also, JNRR's way cooler." Jaune says with a smirk.
"EXACTLY!!!" Nora yells happily as Ren sighs and I chuckle. We then feel the ground shake below us as well as a big booming noise coming towards the trees.
"It's here." I say as we watch the Geist come down from above chasing Ruby.
"Let's get that thing of her." Jaune says as we nod at him. Ren and I start jumping up trees landing on the highest branch.
"Don't forget me!" I hear Nora say as she shoots up on her hammer and lands right in between me and Ren.
"We need to draw It's attention away from Ruby." Ren says as Ruby zooms by.
"Could use some help!!" She screams. Nora pulls out her hammer cannon and starts to shoot at it as me and Ren take off. Ren starts jumping from tree-to-tree shooting at it as I stand on a tree branch and make my bow. The Geist then punches at the tree Ren's in giving him a chance to jump on the Geist and start running up his arm. Ren jumps up to come down at it and starts to slice it before jumping off and landing on the ground near Jaune.
"We got to get it closer." Jaune yells as Ren turns towards us.
"Blades don't hurt him." Ren says. I look down at my bow and see Pyrrha's death in my mind.
Do you believe in destiny?
I shake my head as I try, and git rid of the image. I then create and Ice arrow and shoot it at its foot freezing the foot to the ground. I then switch it into my hammer and jump out of the tree slamming it right in the face. The Geist stumbles and falls to the ground as the Ice brakes. I flip back landing In between Ren and Jaune.
"Ya Luna!!" Jaune says as he jumps up. They Geist gets up and turns around to face us.
"Of you have got to be kidding me!!" I scream with and eye roll as Ren pushed me out of the way from getting stomped on.
"Crap." I hear Nora say a bit timid.
"How about this!!!" Ruby screams as she puts her lightning bullets in her rifle and shoots at the Geist's arm. She then gasps as it does nothing. The Geist punches the ground sending all of us flying back. Nora jumps down from the tree and catches Ren as I catch myself with plants. Ruby lands with her Scythe and Jaune lands on the ground and bounces until he runs straight into a rock hitting his boy part on it directly.
"You'll be fine with out a weapon. Your the strategist." I over here Jaune say in pain. I chuckle a little.
"THAT'S IT!!" Nora screams as she starts charging at it. She throws her canon in the air as it turns into her hammer. She catches it and jumps up. As the Geist is about to punch her, she swings at it breaking its whole arm until the Geist swings around with its arm and throws the rocks at her. Ruby steps in and slices the rock in half before it hits Nora. The Geist then uses its other arm to hit Ruby and Nora but they both jump out of the way before that happens.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
Teen FictionThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...