Season 2 Episode 8 Field Trip

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Luna's POV

Me and Ruby walk into the elevator as we are hedding up to Ozpins office. Ruby looks at me as she presses all the buttons I just chuckle at her childish actions. We then make it to the floor as we here Ozpin say come in. As the door opens we see Ironwood, Professor Goodwitch and Ozpin standing by his desk.

"Sorry It took so long." I say as I walk out and into the room.

"Someone accidently hit all the buttons in the elevator on the way up here.....It wasn't me." Ruby says following me as we both take a few steps forward. 

"Thank you for coming Ruby and Luna. How are you feeling?" Ozpin asks as we walk further into his office.

"Okay. I guess. I'd feel better if my bad guy catching record wasen't o for three." Ruby jokes as everyone looks at us seriously. "Okay that's the tone we're going for. Got it."

"I'm doing okay." I say after Ruby. 

"Ruby, Luna. I feel its appropriate to let you know that I think what you two did last night is exactly what being a huntress is all about. You recognized a threat you took action. And you did the very best you two could." Ironwood says as he puts a hand on me and Ruby's shoulders. 

"Thank you General." I say gritting my teeth. Man I hate this guy. 

"Now. The General here has already informed us about the events that....Conspired last night. But now that you two have rested we we're wondering if you had anything to add." Ozpin says looking at me as I look down.

"Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you at all?" Professor Goodwitch asked taking a few steps forward.

"I-umm-No. She was warring a mask. And she never said anything to us. But I know she fought with glass." Ruby says thinking back to last night.

"But I don't think that's her semblance though. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked." I say also thinking back.

"Say with glass. That sounds like the woman I fought the night we met Ruby." Professor Goodwitch says looking at Ozpin.

"Imbedding dust into clothing is an age old technique. It could have been anyone." Ironwood says putting a hand on his chin.

"Wait. You think this girl is connected to Torchwick or the White fang?" Ruby asks as she looks up at Ozpin.

"Its possible. But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together." Ozpin says.

"Actually I-I think I remember her saying something about a hide out or something. In the south east. Just outside the kingdom." Ruby says as I tense up and look over at her slowly with a are you really gonna tell them look.  

"Interesting." Ozpin says as he touches his chin.

"I thought you said the intruder never-" Professor Goodwitch starts but Ozpin cuts her off.

"Thank you for you cooperation you two. Why don't you two go and spend some time with your team. You have a big day ahead of you." Ozpin says with a smile.

"Anytime." Ruby says as we start to walk away.

"Miss Lie Valkyrie and Miss Rose. Please try and be discreet about this matter." Ozpin says as I nod.

"Yes sir." Ruby says as we walk into the elevator. We both sigh as I press the button to go down to our level.

Me and Ruby then walk down the hall to Team RWBY's Dorm. Ruby opens the door as my team and Ruby's team comes up into out face.

"What happened?!" Yang asks. 

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