*This Font means flash back*
Luna is 5
Nora is 7
Ren is 8
Luna's POV
I am hiding behind Nora as she is holding a loaf of bread, and three older kids are picking on us. One of us tries to slap me as Nora puts herself in front of me and holds me back.
"Hey, we're did you get that bread I didn't see you pay for it thief." One of the kids said.
"No look, it's all moldy."
"I think she got it from the trash."
"Let me see." One of the kids said as he tried to take the bread, but Nora bit him.
"Ahhh! She bit me!" He says as he shoves Nora and me back. Nora then gets up and grabs the bread and me as I start crying.
"Where'd they come from?"
"Why are they so dirty?"
"They're like dogs!"
"Does that mean I have rabies?" One of the kids says as they back me and Nora up into a corner. The kids then turn around as we see another boy with a pink strip in his hair and a Man. The boy tries to run but runs straight into the man.
"What is happening here?" The man asks as Nora picks me up with the bread and runs away.
Later that night I hear the Grimm again and start to cry. Nora picks me up and puts me underneath a house. I continue to cry as Nora cry's as well both of us hugging each other.
"Hey." I hear as I see the same boy with a pink strip in his hair from earlier putting a hand on Nora's shoulder. "We have to be brave." He says as I hug him. His eyes widen at first but then Nora hugs him as well. He hugs us both as I see my skin go silver with no color. The nevermore looks at us as I try not to cry and put my face in the boy's chest. The nevermore screeches before flying away. I look to see color back in my skin. Nora lets go of the hug and pulls me off of him to. We then see Imp walking across. It stops in front of us before continuing walking.
"I'm scared." I say in tears.
"Me to." Nora says as she hugs me.
"Me too." The boy also says. The boy then starts to get up and walk away but Nora grabs his arm in tears. "It's okay." He nods to her as she lets go slowly and I hug her. The boy then crawls to grab a toy hammer and comes back. "We'll keep each other safe." He says as he hands me and Nora the toy hammer. Nora then takes the hammer and holds it close to her. "What's your name?" He asks.
"Nora." My older sister says as he then looks at me with a smile. I grab Nora's arm.
"L-Luna." I say as I look up at the boy.
"My name's Lie Ren."
Luna's POV *No more flash back*
Me, Ren and Nora continue to walk up the hill. Nora is slouching as we walk. Ren stops as Me and Nora stop as well.
"We never get the easy path, do we?" Ren asks.
"Easy's no fun any way." Nora says as she then looks at Ren. "You, okay?" Nora asks as Ren hums as a yes.
"You?" He asks Nora.
"I've got you here don't I." Nora says as I roll my eyes.
"What am I chop liver?" I say as Nora laughs and Ren chuckles.
"Come on. There's only one way up a mountain." Nora says as she puts her arm around my shoulder, and we start walking. We make it to a cave as we feel wing blowing out of it. I turn around to see Ren smiling at us.
"Hey! There's wind blowing out of this cave!!" Nora yells as Ren jog's over.
"You think this leads to the pike?" I ask looking at Nora.
"There's only one way to fin-" Ren gets cut off by a flag hitting him in the face. Me and Nora both start chuckling as Ren takes the flag off his face.
"Yes. Yes. Very funny." Ren says as I continue to laugh. Ren then looks at the flag and his face changes.
"Hey what's wrong?" Nora asks as I look at the flag.
"This is the symbol for Shion village." Ren says.
"Shion....But that's... That's the village where we saw the huntsmen." Nora says as my eyes widen a little.
"It's weeks away from here." I say. Ren the drops the flag and starts running.
"Ren!?!" Nora yell's out as we both look at him.
"Wait!!" Me and Nora both yell as we look at each other before running after him. As we catch up, I stop skidding on my boots my eyes widen to see all the weapons on the ground and dead bodies with it.
"Oh my gosh!" Nora says. Ren then walks forward to pick up and arrow as me and Nora follow. I look down to see the same footprint that I saw 11 years ago.
"No." I whisper as Ren stands up. We then make our way to the out of the cave to see the tree's moving.
"No." Ren say's as Nora grabs his hand as he holds it. I then relies it's heading to the village. Ruby Jaune!! I think as I start running down the mountain with Nora and Ren screaming my name.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
Teen FictionThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...