Season 6 Episode 9 Lost

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Luna's POV

As Oscar and I walk up the steps and into the house I look around to see no one there.

"Hello?" Oscar calls out as no one answers.

"I guess everyone left?" I say more as a question than a statement. 

"I guess so." Oscar say as he starts walking away.

"And where are you going?" I ask.

"To go start the casserole." He says as he walks into the kitchen.

"Oh, you we're serious about the casserole." I say walking in after him. I put my hot chocolate on the counter as he starts pulling out all the ingredients. "Would you like some help?" I ask.

"Yeah! That would be great. And this way everyone has something to eat when they get home." Oscar says as he grabs a bowl. I go and preheat the oven as he starts making the base of the casserole. We both then put everything in it as I stick it into the oven.

"There all done." I say as I set a timer for 20 minutes. I then poor myself a glass of water and walk out into the living room area. I sit down on the couch as Oscar walks into the room.

"So. Do you want to talk about it?" Oscar asks standing in the door frame.

"Talk about what?" I ask trying to avoid the conversation.

"Ozpin. Salam. Everything that happened." Oscar says as he leans against a wall.

"It's just. It's hard to explain."

"Why didn't you tell them sooner?" Oscar asked in a calm and nice way. It's weird. I feel like I can talk to him. Tell him everything. 

"I just. 'sigh' As I said earlier. I didn't know how they were goanna react. I mean all people react differently, so I guess I was just.... Scared of what their reaction was going to be. All my life. All my lives. I've always had to fight through all this alone. I never asked for help and whenever someone did want to help me, I didn't want to drag them into all this. So, I would push them away. I guess that's one thing I'm good at pushing people away." I say as I look down at my hands and smile a bit. I hear some shuffling around before I then hear a guitar playing. I look up to see Oscar turned on his scroll to play some music. He looks over at me taking a breath with a small tint of red on his cheeks.

"I met somebody selfless and kind she's got a smile even when she isn't fine. She can be hurting but she's got enough love to fill up Atlas city." Oscar sings as he starts to walk over to me. "I met somebody stays up at night. I see her worry and she see all of mine. I met somebody she really loves me says I'm all she needs." He sings as my eyes widen. "And I~ grew up thinking I would have to fight~. All of this alone." Oscar holds his hand out to me as I look at him. He smiles and I grab his hand. He pulls me up as we start dancing.

"But now you hold me in the darkness, hold me till it hurts less you~. Tell me that I'm alright show me where the light shines through." We sing together as he spins me around. "Please stay love me through the weather, please say this will be forever hold me in the darkness even when it's hard with you. It's a little bit little bit better." We sing in harmony as I let go of him and spin behind him.

"I met somebody gentle and smart he underestimates the size of his heart he could be laughing but he's got enough pain to fill up Menagerie." I sing as I put my hands in his heart. I smile at him as I take them off and place them on mine. "I met somebody so full of scars~ The worlds on his shoulders but he won't fall apart. I met somebody he really loves me says I'm all he needs." I sing as I wrap my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist as we rock back and forth.

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