Luna's POV
Torchwhick then comes out of his place and the two-white fang members throw us on the ground. Torchwhick laughs as he walks up to us.
"Wow you are much more manageable without that over size gardening tool of yours." Torchwhick says to Ruby. Ruby the run's up and tries to punch him but he moves to the side making Ruby fall.
"hahah. Oh man you know Parry. I really did need this." Torchwhick says as I slap my forehead. I then get up and punch him in the face. "That hurt." He says as he looks at me. As I go to punch him again a white fang member comes up behind me and hits my back. I fall next to Ruby as Torchwhick comes up to us. "Seriously. Red. Blue. How did you find this place?" He asks as Ruby growls in anger then grabs my arm and zooms off. We both hear him say woah as we start running away.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Torchwick's cane coming at Ruby. I shove Ruby to the side as his cane hook's my gear and starts to drag me back. Two guys hold me as Torchwick dose the same thing to Ruby dragging her back. "Let me make this clear. We're not done here yet." He says as an explosion happens. "Perry. Can you boy's take care of that. I'm kinda in the middle of something." Torchwick says as the guys drop me on the floor next to Ruby and start to walk away. We then feel and hear another explosion as Torchwick yells. "What is going on here?!" We then see White fang members running away and shooting at something. As I look closer, I see Ruby's team and My team running towards us with Professor Oobleck in front. Me and Ruby both look at each other before I jump up and kick Torchwhick in the head. I then start to run towards my team as Ruby dose the same. "Somebody Kill them!!" He screams as me and Ruby start getting shot at. I feel a bullet graze my arm as I wince in pain. We continue to doge the bullets as they stop shooting, I see White fang members Infront of us with their guns out. We both come to a stop and I step Infront of Ruby. We both close our eyes but then we hear a gun shot and the guys go flying.
"Ruby! Luna!" Yang says as Ruby hugs Yang and I hug Daphne.
"Are you two, okay?" Weiss asks.
"We're fine We're fine! But listen Torchwhick has all sorts of weapons and robots down there." I say as Blake hands Ruby her Scythe and Daphne hands me my fans.
"His joints mecks there all loaded up on the train car." Ruby says.
"That's ridiculous these tunnels are sealed they all lead to a dead end." Professor Oobleck says as we the hear Torchwhick say through the speakers.
"We're leaving now!"
"Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere!" Yang says.
"We need back up." Ruby says.
"I'll call Jaune." I say as I take my scroll out. I dial Jaunes number but then it tells me low signal. "I can't get ahold of him." I say.
"Oh, my God's Luna your bleeding!" Weiss says as everyone's eyes widen.
"Not important right now." I say as I point to the train.
"So, what do we do?" Opal asks.
"I believe we only have one option." Professor Oobleck says.
"We're stopping that train." Me and Ruby say at the same time. We all then start running towards the train. Ruby uses her semblance to get on as I shoot the rest of us up with a vine.
"Alright children we must get to the front and stop the train." Professor Oobleck says.
"Uhh. Professor?" Weiss and Daphne say as they lift up a hatch.
"Doctor." Professor Oobleck corrects.
"What's that?" Weiss asks looking down in the hatch. We all walk up to the hatch as Professor Oobleck leans down.
"That my dear. Appears to be a bomb." Professor Oobleck say as we all back up.
"We've got baddies." Ruby says as we see White fang members coming towards us.
"Well, I didn't expect them to go." Professor Oobleck stops as the bomb makes noises. "Easy on us. Time to go."
"Blake Nova detach the caboose or it will kill us all." Professor Oobleck says.
"On it." Blake and Nove say at the same time. They both jump down as the train then decupled itself.
"It decupled itself!" Blake says.
"What?" Professor Oobleck asks.
"I guess he really didn't want up on this train.
Nova says as the caboose then blows up."That's not good." Professor Oobleck says shaking his head.
"Neither is this." I say as me and Ruby open a hatch to see another bomb.
"Another Bomb!" Nova and Blake say.
"No no no!" Professor Oobleck says as he runs to the other hatch and opens it up to see another bomb. "They all have bombs!!!!!!" Professor Oobleck yells as the train we are on bomb is about to blow. The train the detaches as we all run to the other one. We watch as the part blows up.
"This doesn't make since!" Yang says. White fang members the come running at us with one girl saying.
"Get the humans!!" We all then get into fighting position and start to fight the white fang. We all start running forward as we take out the white fang.
"He's leading Grimm to the city!" Professor Oobleck yells.
"What?!" Daphne says.
"It's the cars. They explode creating openings for the Grimm!" Professor Oobleck says.
"That's insane!" Blake says.
"We have to hurry!!" Professor Oobleck yells as we all start running again. "You sixs go below and try and stop the cars." Professor Oobleck tells out teams.
"What about us?" Me and Ruby asks.
"We are going to stop this train." Professor Oobleck say as he puts his hands on his hips.
"Yea we know." I say.
"We said that earlier." Ruby says as we all start running again. Me, Ruby and Professor Oobleck keep running forward as the rest go down into the trains.
"Up ahead!" Professor Oobleck says as we see Atla's mech coming at us. "We've got a problem." Professor Oobleck says as he drinks his coffee and then turns it into his weapon then hitting Zwei with it making Zwei turn into a flying Flame ball as he kills the Atla's Meck.
"What!!!!!???" I yell as Me and Ruby look at Zwei in shock. Another one comes up and almost shoots Zwei, but Professor Oobleck runs up and knocks it over landing in a cool pose as the Mech explodes behind us. Another mech pops up as Professor Oobleck zoom's up on top of it and shots it destroying it as he then does a backflip landing all cool like. Me and Ruby then take out the other one next to us. I turn my fans into my hammer and go for its legs as Ruby goes for its head. We both then land next to each other as the mech falls off the train.
"You two go on ahead!" Professor Oobleck tells us.
"But-" We both try and protest.
"Don't worry you two. It's time I teach them a lesson." Professor Oobleck say as he starts to run the other way towards the mech. Ruby the looks at Zwei who is looking down.
"Go." Ruby tells Zwei as he barks and runs off to help Professor Oobleck. I look at Ruby and smile as we both start to run ahead. Me and Ruby's team then comes up behind us. I look and see a dead end right Infront of us.
"What do we do?" Nova asks. Me and Weiss look at each other and nod as we create an Ice shield. We all then duck down as we feel the exposition.
All I hear is ringing in my ears and then alarms. I open my eyes to see people Infront of us. My eyes widen as I relised we just lead the Grimm to the town. As we sit on the rubble, we then start to feel vibration as we see a King Taijitu shoot up from the ground then Grimm following right behind it. We all stand up and look around in shock to see every type of Grimm imaginable around us. I then look up at my Team and look back at Ruby.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
Teen FictionThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...