Luna's POV
Oscar is now sitting in the armchair as Me and Team RNJR are surrounding him.
"Did he age backwards?" Nora asks tilting her head.
"He's possessed!!" Jaune says scared.
"Or reincarnated." Ren says as I smirk.
"Or Both." I say knowing the truth.
"Oh, isn't it weird." Ruby says with a sparkle in her eye.
"It is very weird yes." Oscar says as he looks down.
"Okay. Okay." Qrow says as he walks into the room. "Let's all just take a second and remember that this is very overwhelming for everyone." We all look at Oscar then back away chuckling awkwardly.
"Thanks." Oscar says to Qrow. Ruby and Nora sit on one couch as Qrow walks over and sits on the other. Oscar then looks at me as I smile with a little chuckle. Oscar blushes as he looks away.
"Sorry. I-I j-just haven't really met any huntsmen of huntresses before." Oscar says.
"Well-Uh We haven't met a person with two souls so. First time's all around." I say with a smile. Oscar looks up at me and chuckles as Qrow clears his throat.
"Not to break up the whole getting to know you game, but we need to have a talk." Qrow says as I glare at him.
"Way to ruin the moment." I say as Jaune chuckles next to me.
"Mind showing us you little parlor trick kid?" Qrow asks sitting on the couch.
"Only if you're ready." I say as I Glare at Qrow.
"Ya okay. Just so you know I'll still be here." Oscar says as everyone but me looks at each other with confusion. Oscar's body then glow's green as Ozpin takes over his body for now.
"It is so very good to see you again students." Ozpin says as I smile.
"Wait. What just happen?" Jaune asks backing up a little bit.
"Professor Ozpin?" Ren asks confused.
"Correct and though I may be the one speaking." Ozpin says as I cut him off.
"Oscar is still present and can hear all of us. He just can't talk at the moment. So basically, he handed over the controls. Like a video game." I say as everyone looks at me with confusion. "What?"
"Correct Ms. Lie Valkyrie. I afraid this all must be very perplexing." Ozpin said looking at me with a smile.
"And alarming and Bazar and just really kind of hard to believe over all!" Nora says as I chuckle along with Ozpin.
"It's good to see you children still have you since of humor. I know you've all been through tremendous hard ship already. I'm sorry." Ozpin says as I look down.
"It's not your fault." Ruby says as I tense up.
"It's all my fault. I told you once that I've made more mistakes than any man, woman and child on this planet. And I wasn't exaggerating. I'm cursed. For thousands of years, I have walked the surface of Remnant dying and reincarnating in the life of a likeminded soul. The professor Ozpin you all met wasn't my first form. And clearly wasn't my last. It's extraordinarily strenuous prosses. On everyone involved." Ozpin says as he looks at me his eyes full of sorrow and I look away.
"So Why.... What are you?" Jaune asks noticing the tension between me and Ozpin.
"I'm the combination of countless men who have spent their lives trying to protect the people of Remnant." Ozpin says as Qrow walks by and hands Ozpin a cup of tea. "With every rebirth my soul is eventually merged with another. And I am changed. But my memories stay with me. This curse was Astore Apon me by the gods. Since I've failed to stop Salam in the past. But we must stop her now." Ozpin says as I look at Ruby.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
Teen FictionThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...