Luna's POV
Right now we are all sitting in professor Oobleck's class. History class to be exact.
"Yes. Yes prior to the Fauns rights revolution or more popularly know as the fauns war. Man kind was quite quite animet about partializing Faunus population in Menagerie. Now while this must feel like accent history to many of you it is important to remember that these are relatively recent events. Why the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day." Professor Oobleck says as he sips his coffee. He sure is a fast talker. "Now have any among you have been subjugated or decimated because of your Fauns heritage?" He asks as I see a few people rase there had but my eye catches to Velvet who slowly but sacredly raises her hand. I grab on to Ren's hand who is sitting right next to me and start tracing on it. "Dreadful simply dreadful. Remember students it is precisely this kind of ignorance that brings violence. I mean. I mean. I mean just look what happened to the white fang. Now which one of you young child can tell me what many theorist seen to be the turning point during the third year in the war?" professor Oobleck asks. "Yes. Mrs. Schnee."
"The battle at fort castle." Weiss says as she puts her hand down.
"Precisely. And who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Logons forces?" Professor Oobleck then asked. I watch as Cardin threw a paper triangle at Jaune who then wakes up startled and makes a noise.
"Mr. Arc! Finaly contributing to class. This is excellent excellent! What is the answer?!" Professor Oobleck asks as he goes over to Jaune who is sitting the the front.
"Uhh. The...... answer..... the advantage.... Of the Faunas...... Had over that guys stuff...." Jaune says as he looks at Pyrrha who is putting circles around her eyes to show that the answer was night vision. But of course Jaune didn't get the hint. "Uhh. Binoculars!!" Jaune says as everyone laughs and I slap my forehead.
"Very funny Mr. Arc." Professor Oobleck says as he zooms back to his desk. "Cardin. Perhaps you would care to share your thoughts on the subject."
"Well. I know its a lot easer to train an animal then a solder." He says as I feel my eye twitch.
"Your not the brightest crayon in the Box are you Cardin?" I ask him as I here Opal start chuckling.
"What you got a problem?" He asks me.
"No she has the answer." Pyrrha says as she looks back and smiles at me.
"It's night vision. Many Faunas are know to have nearly perfect sight in the dark." I say as I watch Cardin glare at me and Pyrrha.
"General Lagoon was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Fauns in there sleep. The fleet was outmatched and the General was captured." Blake said.
"Perhaps if you payed attention in class Cardin. He wouldn't have been remembered as such a failer." I say as Cardin stands up angerly.
"Mr. Winchester. Please take your seat." Professor Oobleck says as Cardin sits down as Jaune starts laughing. "You and Mr. Arc can see me after class for addisonal readings. Now moving on."
As I herd the bell ring Team RWBY left immediately as My Team and My siblings with Pyrrha walkout a bit later.
"You go on ahead. I'll wait for Jaune." Pyrrha says as we all leave.
"You know I'm glad you stepped up to Cardin Luna he was starting to be a real jerk." Opal said as we stop at our lockers.
"I just cant stand people like him. He makes me so mad." I say as I shove my books in my locker.
"I feel the same way." Ren says.
"You want to go get lunch?" Nova asked.
"Sure." Daphne says.
"Yes please!! I'm starving." Nora says.
"You just ate all of my snacks!" I tell her.
"Ya well. I'm still hungry." Nora says as I lean into Ren.
"Fair enough." I say as we walk into the lunch room.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
Teen FictionThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...