Luna's POV
"Blake did you here that what should we do?" Yang asks and she's waving her hand Infront of our faces as me and Blake point up. Yang looks up and we all see Ruby falling Screaming HAZA. As she is coming in fast. Half way through her falling the Blond hair guy from earlier comes flying in her direction and crashes into her sending them both into the trees. Owch. That had to hurt.
"Did your sister just fall from the sky?" Blake asks as we here someone coming through the trees and we look in that direction we see Nora ridding in on a Ursa and killing it as she hammers it in the head.
"Awww. It's Broken." Nora says as she starts standing on it as Ren comes from over it.
"Nora. Please. Don't. Ever do that again." He says out of breath but as he looks up my older sister is already gone looking at the relics. As she looks at one she finds the castle peice and gasps.
"Oooo. I'm queen of the castle I'm queen of the castle." She sings.
"NORA!!!" Ren yells for her as she chuckles and knocks the Pice of her head and into her hand.
"Coming Ren." She says as she walks over to him.
"Did my sister just ride in on an Ursa?" I question still in shock and Opal just nods. Then we see Pyrrha come running in with a Death stalker on her tail. Oh my god. What's next. I think to my self. Ruby the flips over and lands next to Yang.
"Ruby?!" Yang says suprised.
"Yang!!" Ruby says as she goes to hug her but then Nora pops up.
"Nora!!" She says as she throws her hands in the air and then stands by next to me and I hug her.
"Luna!!" She says shocked before hugging me tight.
"Nora. Can't breath." I say as she puts me down.
"Oh. Sorry." She says as she then starts to do a little dance.
"Did she just run all the way here with a death stalker on her tail?" Blake then asks looking at Pyrrha. That was the last straw for Yang.
"I CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! COULD EVERYONE JUST CHILL OUT FOR TWO SECONDS BEFORE SOMETHING CRAZY HAPPENS AGAIN!?" Yang yells as her eyes go red and her hair is on fire. Ren then comes over and stands next to me and puts his hands on his knees leaning over to catch his breath. Nora the throws her hands up and giggles as I pounce on Ren knocking him over hugging him as he hugs me back still out of breath.
"Umm. Yang." Ruby says as she points up and we all look up top see Weiss holding on to a Nevermore for dear life. Me and Ren get up and continue to look up.
"HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME!?!" We here Weiss scream.
"I said jump." Ruby says.
"She's gonna fall." Blake and Nova say at the same time.
"She'll be fine." Ruby says.
"She's falling." Me and Ren say at the same time as we see Weiss falling. As Weiss falls I see the blond hair boy catch her in mid air and then looks down and they both look at eachother and then fall with the blond hair boy falling flat on his face and Weiss falling on top of him while looking at her nail's.
"Who is that guy?" I ask.
"Oh that's Jaune." Ruby tells me.
"Good to know." Daphne says as Pyrrha gets thrown over by us looking like she just died.
"Great the gangs all here now we can die together." Yang says as I chuckle.
"Not if I can help it." Ruby says as she starts charging at the death stalker.

The recollection of my past (Oscar pine x OC)
Teen FictionThe sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...