The sister to Nora Valkyrie and adopted sister to Lie Ren finds her self at Beacon even with her being younger than the rest. She loves her life and she wouldn't change anything about it. Until the fall of Beacon. Traveling with her siblings, Ruby...
All of us start shooting and fighting Hazel, Mercury and Emerald as they are all in a circle shooting back at us. Me and Oscar are on one side blocking the shots as Qrow fly's over.
"He's sheer willpower." Qrow says looking at Hazel.
"Look out!" I scream as fire comes at us and I grab Oscar and duck behind a poll.
"We just need to get him to his limit." Oscar says. I watch as Hazel uses dust to kill Wiess's Glyph that was flying around them. Blake then comes out of nowhere and kicks Hazel in the face landing next to Weiss and Ruby.
"Are you hurt?" Blake asks immediately.
"N-no I just remember you being more of the quiet one." Weiss says as the three villains start walking towards Team RWB.
"Not today." Blake says as she turns her gun into her knife. As I look at Mercury, I can feel my eyes start to glow red. I shove my anger away but start to run up to Mercury.
"Kid!!" I hear Qrow yell as I jump up and kick Mercury straight in the face. As he hits the ground hard, I can hear Emerald call out for Mercury and I can feel all eyes on me.
"I think it's time we finish this." I say as I pull out my fans.
"Couldn't agree more........Doll." He says with a smirk as I run up and kick him in the face again. He flips back and grabs my leg taking me to the ground as I land on my back. He jumps up and goes to kick me, but I put my fans In front of me blocking it. I shove him back and do a kick up standing up. He runs straight at me, but I front flip over him and kick him in the back with both of my legs. He does a summersault forward and goes to get up. As he stands up, I kick him in the back unexpectedly and then jump up and slam him into the ground.
Thank you, Ozpin, for teaching me that. I think to myself. As I look over, I see Hazel about to go at Weiss. Before I can think what, I'm doing I put my hands up and start controlling his blood and water that are in his veins.
"W-w-what's g-going on?!" Hazel screams as I walk over slowly and back him away from Weiss. I can hear people gasp and look at me in shock as my eyes are now red and bring my hands down lowering him to the ground. I look up and Weiss.
"Want to do the honors?" I ask as she smirks and kicks him right in the face sending him back next to Emerald. Jaune then kicks Mercury next to Hazel and Weiss as they all are now standing back up and we all circle around them.
"That's enough!" Ruby says standing up.
"Just give up." I say. Mercury hits the ground with his fist.
"This isn't over. Cinder will come back. She'll have the relic and she'll stop all of you! She won't let us down." Emerald says as Yang then rises up with the relic in hand and no Cinder or Raven to be seen.
"Yang." Ruby says as she watches her sister with happy tears in her eyes. Emerald then drops her gun dropping to her knees as she starts breathing heavily.
"Emerald get up we need to go." Mercury says as Emerald looks around before grabbing her head and screaming. A dark shadow them pops up and Salam comes out of it in a terrifying manner before coming at us.
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We all duck down as look up in fear as Salam disappears.
"W-what? What was that?" Blake asks as I look at Oscar/ Ozpin.
"An illusion. But an accurate one. That was Salam." Ozpin says. We all breathe a sigh as Blake reunites with her family and we all are able to take a brake and breathe. Yang walks down the stairs and gives the relic to Qrow. Ruby the falls to her knees as Weiss catches her.
"Are you okay?!"
"I feel like I should be asking you guys." Ruby says as Blake walks over to her team. Yang then gets to her knees and hugs Ruby as the three looks at Blake. "So, Blake what are you doing here?"
"I-I-.........I was going to ask you three the same thing." Blake says a bit shy.
"That's a long story." Ruby says looking at the three from Team RWBY.
"Well......I'm not going anywhere." Blake says with a smile.
"That's all that matters. That we're all here together. Right?" Ruby asks as she looks at Yang as Yang looks down for a minuet but then looks up.
"Yeah." Yang says as Blake dose a group hug with her team.
Nora chuckles as she hugs me. I smile and hug her back really tight.
"Soooooooo. Cool new power." Jaune says as he smiles at me.
"You think?" I ask shrinking back a bit.
"Yeah! You can move people around like a magician! That's amazing. How do you do it?!" Jaune asks like a three-year-old.
"Well...I think it like blood bending. I can move all the water in their veins and the blood in the human body." I say looking at Jaune.
"Woah. Is it weird to do?" Jaune asks.
"Yes. Very. It's actually kind of uncomfortable." I say as I rub my arm.
"Well, I think it a great addition." Nora says as she puts and arm around my shoulder. I look up at Ren and he smiles at me as I smile back. I look over to see Qrow catching Oscar from falling over.
"Oscar!?" I say as I slide down on my knees next to him and Qrow. "What happened?" I ask.
"He used too much energy fighting. And now he's in a lot of pain." Qrow says. I grab some water out of my pouch and put some on his head easing the pain for him. Qrow then stands up as I look down.