What Are You In For?

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Y/N's POV:

I got nasty looks when I hung up the phone. Guess people here ain't a big fan of screaming.

Officer Lopez cuffed me back up and took me back to the room I was previously in with Detective Evans.

There, Detective Gonzales was already sitting in a folding chair waiting for me. Officer Lopez uncuffed me as I sat down, and stepped back to stand near the door.

"Okay, Miss Randle. So, here's how this is going to work. I'm going to have you tell me the full story, then I will ask questions about your story and take notes. From there, we will have a trial placed as soon as possible and we will get you a lawyer if you cannot provide one. Then, you will go on trial the judge will make the final decision. Is that clear?" The detective had asked. 

"Yeah, that works," I say, relaxing a bit. Maybe Darry could contact one of his high school buddies. One of them ought to be a lawyer...

"Okay, we will be recording this conversation for the archives. Now, who am I with?"

"Uh, Y/n Y/m/n Randle," I said nervously. I didn't realize I'd be recorded.

"Okay Miss Randle. Walk me through what happened the other night."

"Right. So I was at the park with two of my friends. We were just about to leave when a blue Mustang pulls up. There, four guys get out of the car. They said some stuff to us, and at some point, one of them grabbed my friend and started to drown him in the fountain. I tackled one to the ground and was punching him when he clicked a switchblade open. I was able to wrestle it from his hands and knock it to the ground. I knocked him out went to go help my friend who was still drowning. I picked up a switch from the ground and I didn't know what to do. I panicked and I accidentally stabbed him. I got up to grab my friend that was in the fountain. I grabbed that guy by his hair and while we were fighting, he hit me in the side of my head," I said pointing to where a big bruise had formed, "and I blacked out. When I woke up, I found the guy from earlier laying dead. I got up, checked on my friend that was being drowned and he was okay. I then told my two friends to tell my brother and fiancé what happened and that I call them when I got the chance."

"Okay. Thank you Miss Randle. I'm going to ask you a few questions about what happened now, okay?" Detective Gonzales said. I started to realize he said okay a lot.

"Now, the two friends you were with, what are their names?"

Fuck. If they bring them into questioning they might find out Johnny really killed that soc.

"Ponyboy Curtis and Johnny Cade," I said, wincing at my words. If he noticed though, he didn't say anything.

"Okay, now you had said previously with Detective Evans that these guys had jumped your friend earlier?"

"Yes, they jumped Ponyboy and almost killed him."

"Mhm, okay, now you mentioned you had a twin, what's their name?"

"Steve Randle." Steve really won't help my case on this. He'll just get upset and yell at everyone.

"Now your fiancé, what's his name?"

"Sodapop Curtis," I said fighting back tears. Oh my Soda. I miss him so much.

"Okay, Miss Randle. We're done here," Detective Gonzales said getting up from the chair he was sitting in. "Officer Lopez, would you please take Miss Randle back to her cell?"

"Yes sir," Officer Lopez said cuffing me as I stood up.

Soda's POV:

I sat in my room for a bit more after Cookie hung up. I noticed my guitar sitting in the corner.

4 years ago...

"Okay, Soda, open mine next," Cookie said smiling.

I walked over and picked up the present.  "Ugh," I grunted as I almost dropped it.


"Oh, sorry Cookie," I said giggling at her overdramatic self.

I tore open the wrapping paper. "OH MY GOSH COOKIE YOU GOT ME A BOX!" I screamed right in her face while laughing.

She just giggled though and said, "No dumbass, open the box."

I opened the tan box and inside was a beautiful wood guitar. "Oh, Cookie, it's beautiful. How'd you afford this?"

"Don't worry about it Soda, it's yours," she said smiling. She must've gone through hell to get it.

"Thank you so much Cookie, you always get the best gifts," I said smiling at her.


At that remark, we all laughed because we knew that it was probably true.

A knock on the door interrupted me from my memory. "Come in," I said, wiping any tears away.

"Hey little buddy. We're ordering pizza for dinner. Want anything special?" Darry asked standing in the doorway.

"No, just cheese and pepperoni is fine," I said, trying to keep my voice level.

"Okay," he said. He stood in the doorway for a second more, and I think he wanted to say something, but decided against it and closed the door and walked away.

I looked back at the guitar and picked it up. I slowly started to strum a melody on the strings and suddenly, lyrics came to me and I started to sing.

"So you're still thinking of me
Just like I know you should
I can not give you everything, you know I wish I could
I'm so high at the moment
I'm so caught up in this
Yeah, we're just young, dumb and broke
But we still have love to give."

I sang, finishing up a small guitar solo. I turned around to put the guitar back and noticed the gang standing in the doorway. Guess they heard.

"You haven't sang since you proposed, have you?" Steve asked, tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, I miss her," I said as he sits next to me.

"She's coming back. She has too. She can't leave us," he said putting his head in his hands.

Y/n's POV:

Officer Lopez took me back to my cell where I found a nice little surprise.

"Mary!" I exclaimed walking in the cell. "How are you? It's been a while."

"Hey Cookie! Yeah, haven't seen ya since you quit Dairy Queen," she said, giving me a hug.

"Yeah, things were getting intense with Alex and Soda, and I was already missing a lot of school," I said solemnly. I was supposed to graduate last year, but kind of dropped out without realizing it. I didn't really care though, school wasn't going to take me places.

"Ooo, Soda, are you guys dating yet? It's been really long," she says, chuckling.

"Well, actually, we're engaged!" I squealed. I never really had girl friends to do this with but me and Mary had gotten close while working at Dairy Queen.

Mary squealed right back. "When's the wedding?!" She asked excitedly.

"Well, I'm kinda in jail right now so maybe not for a while," I said chuckling.

"Oh yeah, what are you in for anyways?" She asked.

"Remember Bob Sheldon? Accidentally killed him," I said.

She busted out laughing. "No way! What do you mean accidentally?"

"Well, he was fighting with me, Pony and Johnny and I accidentally stabbed him with Johnny's switch," I said, a small grin across my face.

"That's funny, and better than my story. They just caught me trying to steal some records from  The Last Record," she said shrugging.

"Better than killing someone," I said in return.

"Ha, yeah, you're right."

We spent the rest of the night talking about the time we spent apart and what we're going to do once we get out of here.

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