What Do You Wanna Do?

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Darry's POV:

I heard crying from the bathroom. I knew Soda and Cookie had a rough day yesterday. I walked over to the bathroom door, knocking lightly. Was that, laughter I heard?

"Come in," I hear, with a few light chuckles. I open the door to see Soda and Cookie laughing their asses off.

"Are you guys, okay?" I asked with a concerned look on my face. They both broke up with their partners because they cheated. How are they laughing?

"Nope," Cookie said, while dying of laughter. This made Soda laugh even more, and when he threw his head back, he hit it on the counter top. This made them laugh even more.

"Okay, um, I'm going to work. Be safe. Please," I said, shutting the door.

"Were they, laughing?" Two asked from behind me.

"Yup," I said.

"Wait didn't they break up with Sandy and Alex because they cheated?" Pony asked, following me into the kitchen.

"Yup," I said, putting plates into the sink.

"Then why are they laughing?" Johnny asked, grabbing a piece of cake from the fridge.

"Don't ask me," I said, leaving for work.

Y/n's POV:

"Okay, something is seriously wrong with us," I said as Darry closed the door.

"We seem drunk," Soda giggled. "Oh wait, we are." For some reason that set us off again and we laughed for another five minutes.

We were able to somewhat compose ourselves and get cleaned up.

"Want chocolate cake and chocolate milk for breakfast?" Soda asked.

"Should that even be a question?" I smiled. Cake and chocolate milk is the best breakfast out there. You can't change my mind.

We walked into the kitchen and grabbed the cake and milk from the fridge. Soda grabbed plates and started cutting up the cake, while I grabbed cups to pour the milk in. I handed one to Soda, as he handed me a plate.

"So, what do you want to do today? I took the day off at the DX, and I figured you'd want work off. Everyone is at work or school too, so we have the place to ourselves," Soda said.

"Wow, you really know me," I said with a grin. "Let's see, we could sneak into the drive-in, go to the lot, hang out here."

"Got any good movies playing at the drive-in?" Soda asked.

"You don't like movies," I said with a slight smile.

"Well you do, maybe I'll like the ones that they're playing," he shrugged, small grin on his face.

"Well, I think they're playing Lady and the Tramp."

"Well, let's go get candy and watch Lady and the Tramp!" Soda exclaimed, as he ran to go get his shoes.

"That's nice and all, but can we go to my house so I can change?" I called after him.

"Let's go to your house, then get candy, then watch Lady and the Tramp!" Soda said, running out the door.

"My word, that boy is really something," I said smiling.

We walked to my house, where I changed into a new pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

"This is a real nice photo of you and your mom," Soda said, pointing to a framed photo on my dresser.

"Oh yeah, that was the last one we took before Mom died," I said, a small smile forming as I recalled the memory.

"You ready?" He asked, as I tied my shoes.

"Yup, let's head to the DX," I smiled at him.

We walked and talked. It was nice to spend time with him.

"Hey Steve!" I shouted as I walked through the door.

"We're taking candy!" Soda yelled.

"Hey, wait now guys, you can't just-," Steve stammered as we grabbed a bunch of candy and ran out the store. "Fuck you guys! Assholes!" Steve yelled behind us.

We laughed as we ran most of the way to the drive-in. Soda held the fence for me and I slid under, then I held it for him.

We were enjoying the movie, laughing and talking, until I heard a voice that made my blood run cold.

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