Why Are You Here?

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Y/n's POV:

"W-What are y-you doing here?" I asked. I could feel my body shaking. Why they hell is he here? Mom is dead because of him! 

"I wanted to see you buttercup," he said with a smile. I shivered at the nickname he gave me when I was a kid. 

"Where's Steve?" I asked, trying to stay as calm as possible. It's kinda hard though, considering the dad that ran out on you is sitting on your couch.

"He went to work. I figured we could spend some father-daughter time together."

No. No way in hell.

"Look, Dad, what are you doing here? Did Dolores leave you for dust?" I asked with disgust in my voice. Dolores. The woman who tore this family apart.

"Do I need a reason to see my beautiful daughter?" He asked with a smile.

"Don't call me that," I snapped at him.

"Hey, now that's no way to talk to your father young lady," he started to become angry. I was done with him at this point,  so I'll see what his limit is. When I was younger, he never even dreamed about hurting me. But people change.

"How is Dolores, father?" I asked stepping up to him.

"She's fine," he gritted between his teeth. I could see his fists clenching.

"How is Bella? My half sister? Is she good?" I didn't really like Bella. She was only 9 years old, but acted like her mother. Rude, with a severe temper problem.

"Yes. Bella is fine." He was getting angrier by the second, and I was loving every minute of it.

"So father, is Dolores everything you hoped she'd be? Because, you know, Mom was too gentle for you. You needed something with a little- what did you say? Oh yeah. Passion."

"DOLORES LEFT OKAY?! YOU AND STEVE ARE ALL I HAVE LEFT NOW!" He screamed at me. Now he was pissed.

"You didn't even come to Mom's funeral! Me and Steve have lived in this house for almost 9 years alone because of you! We don't need or want you in our lives! At all!" I screamed right back at him.

"Please, buttercup, I'm sorry," he said.

"No. I'm glad Dolores left you. I hope you suffer as much as we all did when you left," I said glaring at him.

"Now look here dammit! I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in my household! You're grounded!" 

"Grounded? That's pathetic," I laughed while rolling my eyes and getting in his face. "This isn't your 'household' anymore. You left. Remember? Also, I'll be 18 in a couple months. You can't ground me."

He looked at me with pure anger in his eyes. He smacked me across the face and pushed me up against the wall.

"Look here you little shit," he seethed. "You're still 17. I can do whatever the fuck I want to you, and you can't do shit back. Do you understand me?"

"No," I grinned at him and kicked him in the groin. He doubled over in pain, and I ran out the door. I ran to the DX and didn't stop to look back or rest until I got there.

"Cookie?" Soda asked from behind the counter.

I was panting and so out of breath that I collapsed on the floor.

"COOKIE!" Soda shouted as he ran towards me.

Soda's POV:

I ran over to Cookie and held her in my arms. "Steve!" I shouted hoping he'd hear me. "STEVE!"

"What is it?" He asked annoyed that I called him in here. Once he saw Cookie though, his face turned from annoyance to fear.

"Cookie?" He spoke calmly. He hadn't seen her since their fight last night. He took her from my arms, holding her tight to his chest. "Soda? What happened?"

"I-I don't know. She ran in here out of breathe and just collapsed," I said trying to choke back tears.

Steve examined her best he could. We both saw the bruise that was forming on her face. It looked similar to the one on Steve's face. His eyes became angry.

"Jason," he seethed. He carefully handed Cookie back to me. "When she wakes up, call the house. Don't go there. I don't want her going anywhere near there either. I have to deal with a child abuser," he said standing up in walking out the door. I knew better than to follow him. Steve knew what he was doing. I hope.

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