How Dare You?

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Steve's POV:

I ran out the DX and didn't stop until I was home. That bitch. He's gonna pay for what he did. I swing open the door to see Jason sitting on the couch with another woman.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed at him, startling the woman. "Who the fuck is she?!"

"Steve, calm down. She's just a work friend," he said, eyeing me.

I turn towards the woman and stare at her. "Fuck off. Now." She jumped off the couch and ran past me out the door. I turned back towards Jason. "How could you fucking hit her?!"

"I didn't mean too!" He yelled at me.

"You know, punching me is one thing. You've never loved me and I'm okay with that. But hurting her is a completely different story. She loved you. She looked up to you. How could you?!"

"Hey now, I'm not saying she didn't deserve it! She was the one screaming at me!"


"I told her I was sorry!" He screamed pushing me.

"Sorry doesn't fucking cut it. Get the hell out of my house. Now," I said opening the door and staring at him.

"It's my house, I can stay here all I want."

"Oh really?" I asked, slamming the door shut. I walk into my room, and grabbed Mom's will from a drawer. I walk back into the living room and shove the paper in his face. "Right here. It says the house belongs to me and Cookie. It's paid off too. You wouldn't be paying anything. Now get out!"

He walks out the house staring at me, gets in his car, and drives off. I know it probably wouldn't be the last time seeing him.

Soda's POV:

I sat there with Cookie in my arms. I could feel tears falling from my eyes. What happened to her? I slowly set her down to get ice for her cheek. I grabbed a plastic bag and put some ice in it from the break room. I walked back over to her and sat back down. I picked her up again, holding the ice pack up to her cheek.

"S-Soda?" I could hear her muffled voice in my shirt.

"Cookie! Oh, what happened to you?"

"H-he hit m-me," she said as she started to cry.

"Shh, it's okay Cookie. You're here with me now. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Ever," I said, pulling her closer to me and kissing her forehead. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we sat like that for a bit until Steve walked in.

Y/n's POV:

"Cookie, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I should've been a better brother," Steve said, collapsing on the floor with tears in his eyes.

"Steve," I said with a sad smile on my face. "You're the best brother I could ever ask for. You're doing everything you can to protect me." I crawled over to him, holding him as he cried. We sat there for a bit, crying together.

"I'm so thankful for you. I'll always be there for you. I'll never let another soul hurt you again. I promise," Steve said, holding out his pinkie. To some, it seemed childish; the pinkie promises we made. To us though, it meant it truly meant what we said and not even the universe itself could break that promise.

"And I'll always be there for you," I said, locking our pinkies together.

He gets up, then grabs my hand to help me up. I wipe my tears away, walking over to the counter. "Is he gone?" I asked sitting on a stool.

"I'm not sure. I want you to stay with the Curtis' until I know for sure," Steve replied.

"What about you? What if he hurts you?" I asked, fear laced in my voice.

"I'll be fine Cookie, I promise. Besides, he still thinks the house is his even after I showed him the will."

I let out a slight laugh. That house had been ours for awhile now. Mom left it to us in her will.

"I should probably help Soda now. Come and get me if anything is wrong," he said, walking out to the garage.

"Okay Steve," I smiled, as I pulled out a cigarette.

I sat there for a bit, smoking and looking at a magazine, when I hear the bell ring. I set down my magazine and look up to see a red haired girl standing in front of me.

"Uh, can I help you?" I asked, taking the cigarette out of my mouth and blowing a puff of smoke. She scrunched up her nose at the smell.

"Yeah, I came here to see if I could get air in my tires? I was kinda hoping that the cute, blue eyed boy that works could here do it. Can you help a girl out?" She lightly smiled, blushing a little. Bitch.

"Well, you can definitely get air in your tires. But unfortunately the blue eyed boy is busy at the time. He can ring you up though," I gave a sarcastic smiled back.

"Thanks," she frowned in return, slightly rolling her eyes.

I get off the stool I was sitting in, and held out my hand for her keys. She gives me the keys and I head out to her car. I pull it around back, knowing the girl was clueless. I was totally gonna rob her of her money. Well- Daddy's money.

I put some more air in her tires, gave her some new oil, and switched all her tires around. Didn't give her new ones, just switched them around. I pulled the car back around to the front, and saw she was talking to Soda. This'll be good. I trust Soda completely, it's other girls I don't trust.

I walk in, and she must've not heard the bell."

"I have a girlfriend," Soda said uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck.

She takes a step closer and says, "I don't see her," as she wraps her hands around his neck.

"Turn around," I hissed at her. "Now you see her."

She scoffed. "How much for the air?" She asked me as I walked back up to the register.

"Well, the air was 30 bucks, but I needed to change your oil so that was another 15. Plus, I needed to change your tires, so that's another 40 bucks. Your total is 85 dollars," I grin at her. I look over at Soda, and he's suppressing a laugh.

"Okay fine, whatever," she said handing me a hundred. I give her her 15 dollars and her keys back.

"Bye," I smiled, waving as she walks out. When the door closes, Soda loses it.

"You should've said flirting with your boyfriend was another 20," he said in between breaths. "And do you even charge for air in tires, then CHANGING the tires?!"

I started laughing at his comment too. My genius sometimes, was frightening. "She only needed the air too," I giggled. He started laughing harder until he fell on the floor and started to cry.

"Hey let's close up and get going," Steve said as he walked into the store. Me and Soda are struggling to breath at this point point, let alone stand up to close. We eventually pull it together, and close up to walk back home to the Curtis house.

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