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Soda's POV:

I ran all the way to Cookie's house. How could he do this to her? I wanted to beat the ever living shit outta him, but first I needed to talk to Cookie.

After I read the letter, everything started to make sense. She ran that night because she thought I was talking about someone else. She pushed me away because she loved me so much it hurt. Kinda sweet.

I threw the door open and frantically searched the house for her. The house wasn't big, so I found her soon enough. She was sitting on her bedroom floor hugging herself. I could hear the quiet sobs escaping from her mouth. It broke my heart to see my Cookie like that.

"I love you, Sodapop Curtis," she whispered to herself.

"I love you too, Cookie Randle."

She turned around and looked up at me with a hurt expression on her face. I sat down beside her, and engulfed her in a hug.

"I'm sorry," was all she could manage after we sat there for a minute.

Steve burst into the room not long after. "Cookie, Cookie, oh Cookie." He sat down next to us and I let go of her and she crawled into his arms.

"Why didn't you tell us he was hurting you?" Steve asked with a sorrowful expression on his face. I could tell he blamed himself a bit. 

"I didn't want you to hurt him," she sniffled.

"But Cookie, he was hurting you. He abused you," Steve said, letting out a couple sobs himself.

"I'm sorry Steve. Really, I am. I didn't know what to do. I was scared. I didn't want him to hurt you in return. I'm sorry."

We all sat there crying for a bit. "Soda," she eventually said looking up at me.


"I'm sorry I ran. I'm sorry I pushed you away. You're my best friend. I'm supposed to support you. Not leave you when the girl you like isn't me," she said bawling. Steve let her go and she crawled back into my arms.

"But Cookie, it is you who I love. It's your smile that makes me better, it's you who I think is drop dead gorgeous, and it's you who makes me feel safe. I love you."

"I love you too," she said and slowly smiled at me.

"Now there's that pretty smile I fell in love with," I said while grinning at her.

We all slowly stood up and looked at ourselves. We were a mess. Reminds me of that morning me and Cookie got drunk after we broke up with Sandy and Alex.

Steve's POV:

I looked at my twin sister as I stood up. To know the pain she was in, hurt me like hell. How could someone ever treat a girl like her like that? It was that moment I decided to jump Alex. I just hope she won't find out.

Y/n's POV:

Seeing us a mess took me back to that night me and Soda got drunk after we broke up with Sandy and Alex. We cleaned up, and went over to the Curtis house. 

We got there, and Two, Dal, Pony, and Johnny were all there. Darry had work.

"Hey- wow. You guys look like shit," Dal said as we walked in.

"We didn't have a good morning," I said walking over to the kitchen.

"Hey Cookie, can we talk for a quick sec?" Soda asked. Oh gosh Soda, please don't break my heart all over again.

He lead me outside to the porch. He looked nervous. "Ya good Soda?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

"Cookie, did you want to go get dinner tomorrow or we could go to the drive-in or we could-"

I stopped his blabbing with a kiss. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in, as I wrapped my hands in his hair.

"I would love to go out on a date with you tomorrow night," I said, pulling out of the kiss. He looked like you just gave a kid a lollipop. His face was bright red, and there was a dreamy look in his eyes and his smile spread all the way across his face.

He grabbed my hand, and lead me inside. When we walked in, everyone started cheering and clapping. Damn those paper thin walls.

Steve's POV:

When Soda lead her out, I looked at Dal and Two. I motioned them to follow me.

"Where are you guys going?" Johnny asked.

"Just the kitchen. I need to talk to them."

"Okay man, what's this about? I wanna hear what Cookie and Soda are saying," Dal said, lighting a cigarette.

"Look, Alex abused and hit Cookie. I'm gonna jump him," I said as I watched the looks of shock and rage cross their faces. "Don't tell anyone else. You can come if you want. I'm doing it late tomorrow night."

"Anything for Cookie man," Dal said dragging out his smoke.

"Same here, she's like a sister to me."

We walked back into the kitchen. "What did he say?" Dal asked eagerly.

"Soda asked her out and they kissed," Pony said real quick before they walked in. We started clapping and cheering for them as they walked back in. They both turned a shade of pink, and Soda's smile quickly dropped.

The Perfect Us ||A Sodapop Curtis x Reader Story||Where stories live. Discover now