She Loves Me?

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Y/n's POV:

I folded up the letter I had written to Soda and put it in an envelope. As much as it hurt to write, I feel a bit better. I mean- I was still miserable because I couldn't be with Soda, but I know now that he'll be happier with that other girl. And that's all that matters.

I looked over to my bed, and saw the torn up sheets and messed up pillows. I stripped the bed, and put everything in the washing machine. Might as well clean myself up. I hopped into the shower and took an everything shower. (Ifykyk)

After my shower, I dried my hair and put on fresh clothes. I did a bit of skin care. The puffy state my face was in earlier had gone down, and I was grateful for that. I put the sheets that were in the washer in the dryer, and went back to my room to clean it up a little. Organizing had always made me feel a bit better about my life.

"Hey Cookie, I'm gonna head to be- what are you doing?" Steve asked as he walked into my cleaning. 

"I'm cleaning, it makes me feel better. You should try it, I've seen your room," I said with a smile. "Oh, before you go, this is for Soda. Can you give it to him tomorrow when you leave for work?"

I handed Steve the letter, and he gave me a soft smile. "Sure Cookie. Night."

"Night Steve." I went back to cleaning my room. By then, the dryer was done so I put the fresh, clean sheets on my bed. When I was done, I stood there, admiring my work. My room was a lot cleaner, and I felt a lot better. 

"Little things," I whispered to myself. I wasn't going to recover overnight, but I could do the little things to help.

Soda's POV:

I woke up looking like Cookie had yesterday. My eyes were puffy, and I was a little light headed. I slowly got up, and my head started to pound. You need to go to work. I got out of bed, and hopped into the shower.

After my shower I put on fresh clothes, and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed some cake, and Darry looked up at me.

"You okay?" Darry asked with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine, just a hard day at work yesterday." Darry saw right through my lie- I could see it on his face. But he didn't push any further.

I left for work, and when I got there, I saw Steve working on a car. "Hey," I said as I walked over to him.


We sat there for about a minute of so. "How's Cookie?" I was almost scared about what he was going to say.

"Cleaned her room last night."

We both knew what that meant. I stared at the ground. I was about to head into the DX to work the counter before Steve stopped me.

"Hey Soda, wait. Cookie wanted me to give this to you," he said while handing me an envelope. "You might want to sit down for it. I didn't read it, but I could imagine it's pretty deep."

"Okay, I'll read it inside." Now I was really scared for what the letter said. Oh Cookie, please don't do anything stupid. I walked into the store and sat behind the counter. I built up the courage to open the envelope, and inside was a letter.

Dear Soda,

I'm not sure how to tell you this. I'm in love with you. I know you like that other girl, and I don't want to get in the way of that. When you saw me earlier today, your face only brought be back to that other night when you were talking about her. I realized then that I was in love with you, but I was scarred to love someone like you because how could you love someone like me?

Alex cheated on me. He abused me and cheated on me. I didn't want you guys finding out because I knew you'd do something about it. So, I covered up the scars with makeup, and pretended things were okay. I didn't even have the heart to tell Steve. I wanted to leave him, but at the same time, I thought I loved him. I didn't want anyone to get hurt, and I knew someone would if anyone found out.

Soda, I love you. But I know you love her. I don't want you to have to choose. So, pick her. She makes you happy. You said so yourself. You feel safe when she smiles at you. I hope she likes you back, she'd be stupid not to. I hope you guys have a good life together. I hope you guys get married and have kids, and get to grow old on a porch together. I hope she treats you like a king. I hope you treat her like a queen. Bye Soda.

                                                  -Cookie Randle

I was crying at the end of the letter. She loved me back, bu didn't know I was talking about her the other night. Also, Alex hit her?! He abused her?! She was right in that letter about one thing, if we found out, we were gonna do something about it. And I'm going to see it through that we do. 

Steve needed to read this. I ran outside shoving the letter in his face. "Steve, you need to read this."

When he was done, he was on the brink of tears to. His were angry tears though. "Let's go. Close the DX for the day, we're going to see Cookie," he said with a cold expression on his face. I knew what he was feeling. I felt it too.

Y/n's POV:

I woke up that morning feeling a bit better than yesterday. I definitely slept better. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. All the bad thoughts came flooding into my head. I was instantly filled with regret of what I put in that letter. I had memories come back to me of the times Alex was abusing or hitting me. The bruises and scars I had.

I sat down in front of the mirror, fresh tears welling in my eyes. I hugged myself as I sobbed in a ball on the floor. "I love you, Sodapop Curtis," I whispered to myself.

"I love you too, Cookie Randle," a voice said behind me.

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