You Did What?

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Steve's POV:

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling. The house felt so empty without Cookie. Suddenly the phone ran and I jumped up and ran to it.

"Hello?" I asked anxiously hoping it was Cookie.

"Hey Steve, how are you doing?" Darry asked at the end of the line.

"Oh, um, good. Have you heard anything about Cookie?" I asked, disappointed but not surprised.

"Yes actually. Her trial is October 8th, and Jacob would like her to have a dress since she's still wearing what she wore that night. Soda would like to come over and help you pick one out so you both can take it to Cookie. He also said she'd have a good shot at winning since it was outta self-defense," he said in an even tone.

"Okay," I sniffled a little. "Yeah, Soda can over sometime this afternoon."

"Okay, he'll bring over some food since I'm going to assume you haven't ate?" Darry asked.

"Yeah. Thank you Darry," I said.

"Anything, Steve. We're all in this together," he said, reassuringly.

"Thanks," I said hanging up.

A few hours later, Soda knocked on the door.

"Hey Steve," he said, holding a plate in his hands.

"Hey Soda, thanks," I said, taking the plate from him and setting it on the counter. We walked silently to Cookie's room.

I opened her closet and pulled out all her dresses.

"Is it bad that I kinda want to try one on?" Soda asked sheepishly.

"Dude, these are Cookie's things. We can't do that," I said giving him a look. "WITHOUT TRYING ON HER SHOES TOO!" I screamed and laughed. It was the first time I did since she got taken in.

"Ok ok ok, hmmm. Which should we try on first?" Soda asked giving a good look at his options. Cookie had a black, skin tight dress, and pink, spring dress that tied in the back, and a pink and black poodle dress. She always said it was the nicest thing she owned, even if it was Mom's old dress.

"We should try them all on. Just to make sure Cookie looks her best," I said nodding at Soda.

"You try on the dresses," he said grabbing her shoes.

"Why me?!" I asked.

"Because you're her twin. Y'all are built the same," he said smiling.

"I don't know whether to take offense for that or if it's a compliment," I said confused.

"Well, she's hot. Take it as a compliment," he said giggling.

"You just think she's hot because you're marrying her," I said rolling my eyes.

"Just try on the dresses."

I put the first, black one on and it actually fit pretty well.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA," Soda laughed turning around.

"Oh shut your trap," I said groaning.

All the sudden I heard a click and looked back at him. "What was that?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.


"That click. Don't play dumb," I said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said. "Try on these shoes," he said smiling.

I grabbed the shoes and put them on.

"Okay, not bad. Let's do the pink one," he said.

"You're putting the pink one on," I said, taking the black dress off.

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