Are You Okay?

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Y/n's POV:

"Soda," I whispered as I walked towards him. I sat down next to him and cradled him in my arms.

"Why would she do that to me?" He asked, his voice raw from all the crying I'm assuming he did.

"They were drunk," I say softly as I close my eyes. "It's not our fault." I felt tears slipping down my face. It felt good to cry about this. How could they do that to us?

After a couple of minutes, Steve walked in and sat down next to me. He put his arm around me, and I put my head on his shoulder.

"What happened Cookie? Please tell me," he asked softly, looking at me.

"I broke up with Alex because he got Sandy pregnant," I sniffled.

"Those pieces of shit," Steve mumbled.

We sat like that for a good thirty minutes.

"I should probably go to work now," I said, gently removing Soda from my grasp.

"Are you sure you want to go to work right now?" Soda asked.

I sighed. I really didn't want to go to work. To be honest, I didn't want to do much but stay here and comfort Soda. But I needed the job. "Yeah, I have to go. Whether I like it or not."

I helped Soda to his feet and gave him one final hug before I left. "I'll see you alter tonight Soda, okay?"

"Okay Cookie, be safe."

"I will," I said, turning to Steve who hugged me tight.

"I'll kick his ass for you," he whispered in my ear.

"Don't get into trouble," I said with a slight laugh as I left the room.

I headed to work, where Mary's smile greeted me at the door.

"Hello new coworker. How was your day?" She asked.

"Shitty," I mumbled wanting to forget it.

"Oh," she said, her smiling dropping. "Do you want to go home?"

"No Mary, it's fine. It's just a two hour shift. Plus, it's my first day. It would be kind of a bad look if I skipped my first day."

"Yeah, I guess so. If you want to leave early, or talk about it, I'm here," she said, offering a small smile.

"Thanks Mary," I said, giving one in return.

Soda's POV:

After Cookie left, I wiped the tears from my eyes, and decided I should try to do work myself. I silently headed to the garage, where I wouldn't be bothered by anyone, and worked on cars.

When work ended, me and Steve walked home. As I walked through the door, I went to the kitchen, grabbed a beer, and quietly locked myself in my room. I knew drinking wasn't going to solve my problems, but I needed something to make me forget everything for a bit.

I heard a knock on the door. "Mind if I join you?"

I got up, unlocked the door, and saw Cookie standing there with a beer case in her hands.

"Sure," I said, walking back to where I was sitting.

She followed me, and handed me another beer as we sat down. I was taken aback a bit. When we were little we promised each other not to drink. But, today is all about broken promises. Steve made the promise too, but he just as quickly forgot it when Two offered him one. We didn't say anything, just sat there in silence for a bit. She laid her head on my shoulder, and I could feel water droplets on my shirt. I silently cried with her for a bit.

We finished the whole case, and shortly after, fell asleep.

"My head," Cookie groaned as we woke up.

She slowly started to stand, but then she started to wobble. I was able to reach out and catch her with the little strength I had in me.

We were able to help each other to the bathroom, and just stared in the mirror for a bit, when Cookie started to laugh a little.

"What?" I asked, a grin spreading across my face.

"We're a mess," she said, fully laughing now.

"Yeah, we really are," I said, laughing along with her. Me and my best friend. Laughing and crying because people hurt us for the same reason.

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