That's What Happened?

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Y/n's POV:

Even though it was getting dark, I could still instantly tell who the socs were. They were the ones who decided to pay a visit to the Dairy Queen earlier. I grabbed Soda's arm, a little nervous about what was about happen.

"Hey, we don't want no trouble," Soda spoke up.

The socs didn't say anything and kept walking towards us. "Hey pretty little broad," one sneered. I could feel Soda's muscle tense up.

"What do you want?" Soda snapped at them.

"Just your pretty little girlfriend. I'll give her a good time, then send her back your way," one smiled at me.

A shiver went down my spine. I could fight, and was fearless at times, but this scarred me. I tightened my grip on Soda's arm.

"She's not going anywhere. Not with you at least," Soda glared at them, pushing me behind him.

"Hey wait a minute Bob," one started. He looked a bit older than the rest of them. "Hey. This kinda looks like that pretty little girl John fucked before he went off to college. Always said he was leaving with a bang," he chuckled.

"Oh yeah. She does look like that little girl," Bob smirked.

I looked up at Soda as tears swelled in my eyes. Is what they were saying true? Why didn't anyone tell me?

"Leave her alone," Soda growled, looking back at the socs.

They grinned at him, and almost as if they rehearsed it, pulled out their switches and clicked them open. One ripped me off of Soda, and held his hand over my mouth. I watched as they threw a couple punches to Soda's face.

"SODA!" I tried screaming. I bit the guys hand, and turned around to punch him in the jaw. But two more grabbed me as their leader, Bob, walked up to me.

"Let me go," I sobbed.

"Oh baby doll," he smiled, cupping my face in his hands. Slowly, he slid his hands down to my waist.

"I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree," he chuckled. I tried pulling out of their grasp, but they were holding me too tight. He gripped onto my waist tighter, pulling me in. He was leaning in to kiss me, until we heard screaming.

"STEVE! DARRY!" Soda screamed. "DAL! TWO!"

One of the socs punched in the stomach, and he doubled over in pain.

"No!" I shouted. Suddenly, my cheek started to sting, as I realized Bob had smacked me. I choked back all my tears, remembering when Alex and my father had hit me.

"Don't fucking touch her," I heard a gruff voice say from behind me.

"Or what else grease?" Bob asked turning around. That was a big mistake. Rule number of talking to Dallas Winston. Don't talk back.

Before Bob knew what hit him, Dal did. He beat up Bob, and the two who were holding onto me let go to get Bob out of there.

I quickly ran over to Soda, who was still laying on the ground in pain. "Soda," I whispered, gently touching his arm.

"I'm sorry no one told you what happened doll," Soda said, touching his hand where Bob had smacked me. I winced slightly at the pain.

As the socs ran away from us, Dal walked over. "Are you okay Cookie?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I said, slightly smiling up at him.

"I'll be at Buck's if you need me again," he said, lighting a cigarette and walking away.

Me and Soda sat there in silence for a bit. Neither one of us knew what to say. 'This kinda looks like that pretty little girl John fucked before he went off to college.' Those words kept playing over and over in my head. Why didn't anyone tell me? How old was I? How could I forget something like that?

Finally, Soda spoke up.

Soda's POV:

Me and Cooke sat there in silence. We should've known this was going to come back and bite us in the ass. Steve should've known he can't protect Cookie and treat her like a child forever. I decided I couldn't leave her in the dark any longer. She needs to know what happened.

"Cookie, I'm sorry. We should've told you. Steve, and us, we were just trying to protect you."

"How old was I?" She whispered so quiet I could barely hear her.

"We were nine," I said. She didn't deserve it. She was nine.

"What happened?"

"One day, you were walking back home from school. The socs pulled up to you. They hit you, raped you, and wouldn't let you go. We all heard the scream from the house. Everyone was there. Me, Steve, Darry, Dal and Two all ran out the door looking for you, while Mom made Johnny and Pony stay back. I was the first to find you. You were covered in blood. While everyone else fighting the socs and I held you in my arms, you slipped into a coma. I ran you back to the house as fast as I could. Mom and Dad put everyone in the truck and rushed us to the hospital. You had a minor concussion, four broken ribs, a broken jaw, and a lot of blood loss. You were in a coma for three months, and for three months, Steve never left your bedside. None of us slept. Not even Mom or Dad. Steve just lost his mom, and he was afraid he was gonna lose you too. We were all worried about the both of you. A few weeks before you woke up, the doctors told us that you probably wouldn't remember what happened. Steve told us to keep it that way. He didn't want you growing up with that trauma. He still has nightmares about it though."

I looked over at her, and she was crying. She quietly got up, and started to run as fast as she could. I got up after her, and used all my strength to make sure she got there safe. I wasn't going to quit today, not now.

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