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Y/n's POV:

"Wow Y/n. Not even a day and you're running around with this dropout dipshit! You know it wasn't entirely my fault! I told you I was sorry. Now take me back!" Alex yelled at me.

I turned around and looked him dead in the eye. "No. I'm not going to take you back. It's YOUR fault. You're the one with the dick, right?" I asked, staring into his eyes. The expression in his eyes turned from anger to shock.

By now, Soda had stood up and had his arm around my waist. I glanced at him, his eyes were hard, but you could see hurt in them. I mean, he was the guy who got his girlfriend pregnant.

"And for the record, Soda isn't a "dropout dipshit" you cheating asshole. He's my best friend, and he has the dignity to NOT cheat on his girlfriend and get her pregnant. Now, screw off. I don't ever want to see you, or your crusty side hoe ever again," I spat at him.

Alex rolled his eyes, and stared at Soda for a bit before walking off. With everything that just happened, I didn't realize I had grabbed Soda's hand. I didn't want to let it go though.

"Wow Cookie, I knew you were a fighter, but that was pretty tuff," Soda said, with a slight smile.

I laughed at his remark. Alex doesn't need to hurt me anymore. I have enough tough skin from people hurting me. "Come on, let's finish the movie."

Soda's POV:

We finished the movie and started to head home. It was still kind of early though. "Want to head to the Dingo and get something to eat?" I asked.

"Sure," Cookie said with a smile. "Race ya!" She yelled, taking off down the street.

"COOKIE! Look out there's a car!" I screamed, as I tackled her to the ground. The car that would've hit her just flew on by. "Oh my gosh Cookie, you could've been killed! What were you thinking?!"

"Jeez, you're starting to sound like Darry. I was, about to stop," she said, while rolling her eyes. I gave her a look because I knew she was lying. She doesn't make eye contact when she's lying. "Okay fine, thanks for saving my life Soda."

I flashed her a smile. "You're welcome Ms. Randle. Now, how about we WALK to the Dingo?" I asked while grabbing her hand. She stared into my eyes as she got up. Damn, were her eyes always this pretty? I kept her hand in mine, hoping she wouldn't let go. No, what are you doing? You and Sandy just broke up, she just broke up with Alex. You can't do this to her!

Y/n's POV:

I grabbed Soda's hand. As we walked to the Dingo, I kept his hand in mine. We ordered some fries and a chocolate milkshake.

After we finished eating, it was getting dark out. "Can we go to the lot and watch the sun set?" I asked Soda with pleading eyes.

"Of course, but, we WALK to the lot. No running. As much as I love you, I don't feel like saving your life twice today," he said with a cheeky grin.

"Okay Darry 2.0," I said, rolling my eyes.

We got to the lot and watched the sunset. "Wow," Soda breathed. "It's gorgeous."

"Yeah," I whispered, sitting on the ground. We had our backs to the tree and I laid my head on his shoulder. I'm not sure why, but whenever I'm with Soda, I feel safe. I know he'll protect me no matter what. Like when he saved me from the car hitting me. When I looked into his eyes and grabbed his hand, I got butterflies. It's weird, I've held his hand a lot, but it's never been like that.

My thoughts were interrupted with Soda himself, "Cookie, we should probably get going. You only saw Steve once and he wasn't too happy with us." He chuckled, "He's probably worried about you."

"Ugh, okay. Let's go home," I said, getting up.

We walked home in silence, and when we got there, Steve had some words. "Cookie! Where have you been?! I was so worried about you!"

"Told ya," Soda said with a wink. I could feel my cheeks flush a deep pink.

"I'm sorry Steve. Me and Sod went to the drive-in, then the Dingo and the lot."

"It's okay Cookie. Sorry I yelled. I was just worried, that's all."

"You guys wanna watch Mickey?" Two asked eagerly.

"Sure Two," I said with a slight laugh as I sat down on the couch.

"Steve, Cookie, Two, are you guys staying for dinner?" Darry asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah Dar," I said. "Need any help?"

"Yeah. Can you stir the soup while I cut up more vegetables?"

"You bet," I said getting up.

"But Cookie," Two whined. "You said you'd watch Mickey with me."

"Oh Two, I'll be back in a second," I said from the kitchen.

As I was stirring the soup, Darry asked, "I see you and Soda are doing better than this morning?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry about that Darry," I said sheepishly.

"You're fine. I know you guys didn't have an easy day yesterday."

Me and Darry finished making the soup, and we all grabbed bowls to sit down and eat. After dinner, I helped Darry clean up. We all watched Mickey for a bit, then me and Steve got up to leave.

"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow Cookie and Steve!"

"Bye guys! Don't get jumped!"

"Yeah Cookie, don't get hit by a car! I won't be there to save ya."

"Okay yeah, we'll-wait what?! Cookie?! Is there something you're not telling me?" Steve asked. Damn it Soda.

"I ALMOST got hit by a car today. But Soda saved me. It's not that big of a deal."

"Are you kidding me Cookie? You almost died and you're saying it's not that big of a deal?!"

"Look, I'm fine. No one's hurt. Let's just go home," I said annoyed.

"Okay fine, but we're talking about this when we get home!"

"Whatever. Bye guys!" With that, I walked out the door, awaiting the lecture Steve would give me. He treats me like a baby. I'm only two minutes younger than him though.

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