Take Me Back?

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Soda's POV:

"What happened Soda?" Darry asked me after Steve and Cookie left.

"Well, after you left, me and Cookie got cleaned up and had cake and chocolate milk for breakfast. Then we-"

"No, that's not what I meant," Darry said cutting me off. "I meant what happened to Cookie? How'd she almost get hit?"

"Oh okay. Well, after we left the drive-in, we started to head to the Dingo. Cookie said 'Race ya!' and started running. But she didn't see a car coming. Luckily, I tackled her to the ground before she got hit."

"You guys gotta be more careful. What if she had got hit?" He asked concerned.

"Well then we both would've been dead," I said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. Clearly, Darry wasn't amused. "I'm going to go to bed," I said getting up. I didn't want to continue the conversation anymore.

I got in bed, and Pony wasn't slow to follow. I think he didn't to be left alone with Darry, even if Two is still here. I flop onto the bed, and remember the night I had last night.

Wow. I can't believe that was only last night. It felt like forever ago. I guess the day me and Cookie had was just enough to take my mind off it. Except for what her ex said. Those words hung in my head. 'Wasn't entirely my fault!' Did Sandy willingly mess around with him? She did say I wasn't paying any attention to her anymore...

"Soda?" I could hear Pony whisper. I sighed a little, but it was definitely a welcome distraction to my thoughts.

"Yeah Pony?"

"Have you ever been in love?"

Never mind. I'd rather go back to thinking. "Yeah Pony. Go to bed now."


"Yes Pony?" I asked, trying to hide my irritation.

"How do you know you're in love?"

"I don't know, you just know. Why? Are you in love?" I really just want to go to sleep right now. I'm tired. Cookie and Pony wear me out sometimes.

"No. I'm not. Soda? Are you in love with Cookie?"

Uh oh. How do I answer this? I might like her. I mean, she's amazing. "Yeah, she's like a sister to me." There. That should answer his question.

"Yeah, but do you love her the way you and Sandy were?"

I'm not getting into this conversation now. "Pony, go to bed. Please."

"Okay," Pony sighed. "Goodnight Soda."

"Night Pony."

I woke up to the smell of bacon and the sound of Mickey playing on the TV. Typical morning in the Curtis house. I walked out into the kitchen, to see the whole gang. Wow, we rarely get mornings like these anymore. "Morning guys."

"Hey Soda!" Cookie gave me a grin and shoved a piece of cake in her mouth. One of the few things her and Steve have in common. They both love their chocolate cake.

We heard a knock on the door, and me and Cookie gave each other worried glances before Darry went over and answered it. Cookie got up and stood next to me, wrapping her hand around my arm. I could tell she was nervous. We both didn't want it to be either one of them.

"Soda, it's for you," Darry said, giving me a warning look in his eyes. Please. Why does she have to be here. Me and Cookie slowly walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hey Soda," Sandy said with a sheepish grin.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Well, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I acted and treated you. I know what I did was wrong. It wasn't my fault. Can you please take me back?"

Guess it wasn't either of their faults. How nice. "Nope. I'm not gonna take you back. You cheated on me, got pregnant, then you yelled at me when I tried to support you. So, my answer is no. Screw off, and I don't ever want to see you or your dumbass side piece." Sorry Cookie, stole your line. "Oh, and, by the way, I like someone else now."

Her eyes went wide, and anger started to grow in them. "Wow. Hasn't even been a week. So? Who is she? Who's the girl you're not going to pay any attention to next?"

"None of you damn business. And by the way, I was there for you. You were just to busy fucking over guys to see it." With that, I slammed the door on her face and turned around. Everyone was staring at me. "What?"

"Okay, first of all, that was my line," Cookie started.

"Sorry, but I liked it when you said that to Alex yesterday."

Her cheeks turned a slight pink. Maybe she likes me..?

"Wait a damn minute. You talked to Alex yesterday and didn't tell me?" Steve butt in.

"Steve please, me and Soda handled it. I don't need you treating me like a damn child. Now, can I continue what I was saying to Soda?" Cookie asked, annoyed.

"Yeah sure, go ahead," Steve grumbled, sitting back down on the couch.

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly and turned to me. "Second of all, I knew you were a fighter, but that was pretty tuff," she smirked at me.

"Now you stole my line," I said, picking her up and flinging her over my shoulder.

"SODA!" She shrieked. "Put me down!"

I threw her down on the couch, and plopped down next to her. She playfully hit me, which turned into a dog fight.

"Are you two going to make out yet?" Two asked.

We both turned bright red and got off each other as Steve smacked the back of his head.

This should be an interesting day...

The Perfect Us ||A Sodapop Curtis x Reader Story||Where stories live. Discover now