Who Is She?

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Y/n's POV:

I was so embarrassed from what Two said. I was also a little hurt that Soda likes someone else now. It doesn't matter now though, since I need to get to Dairy Queen before I'm late.

"I'm here!" I screamed as I ran through the back door.

"Finally, you're shift is about to start," Mary said.

The day was just like any other. Serving ice cream, burgers and fries to greedy and annoying customers. Then, he walked in.

"Hey Cookie," Soda said. I smiled from behind the counter.

"Hey Soda, what are you doing here?"

"There were a bunch of girls flirting with me and making me uncomfortable at the DX, so I just called in sick and knew your shift was ending soon. Figured we could hang out for the rest of the day," he shrugged, giving me a slight smile.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun. My shift doesn't end for another fifteen minutes though, want me to make you something?"

"You bet. You know what I typically get."

"Cherry sundae with sprinkles, because you're extra like that," I said, giving him a cheeky grin.

"You're absolutely right," he said, smiling and sitting down at a table nearby.

"Is that Mr. Saved My Life The Other Day?" Mary asked from behind me.

"Oh, uh, yeah. That's Soda. My best friend."

"He's a real hunk of meat," she said with a smirk. I don't know why, but it made me feel, jealous?

"Yeah, well he and his girlfriend just broke up and he likes someone so I don't think you have a shot. Sorry girl," I said, grabbing a cup to make Soda's ice cream.

"Eh, I think the younger Shepherd kid is kinda cute. Curly I think? Anyways, I bet it's you. Have you seen the way he looks at you? He's so in love with you, it's a little sickening," she said, scrunching her nose in a playful manner.

"Mary! We both just got out of relationships. I really don't think we should rush into things." Though, the thought of being Soda's girl isn't a horrible thought. Maybe I do like him?

"Yeah, okay. Go give lover boy his ice cream. I'll cover your last ten minutes."

"Thanks Mary! You're the best!" I said as I quickly make a chocolate cup with M&Ms on top. My favorite candy.

"I want to be the maid of honor in the wedding!" She called after me.

"Screw off!" I yelled back, handing Soda his ice cream. "We can go now," I say, turning to him.

"Wanna go back to the lot? Though, you have to promise to walk. I don't want to waste a perfectly good ice cream on saving you life."

"You must think you're so funny," I said as we walked out the door.

"I'm hilarious. I hope you know you're never living that down," he said with a grin.

This man. "You know Steve gave me a whole ten minute lecture on why it's important to look both ways and why I shouldn't be running in the street," I said sitting down. "He acts like I'm so much younger than him. I'm only two damn minutes! I'm 17 for crying out loud!"

Soda's POV:

"He just cares for you and doesn't want to see you get hurt." Again. "It's his way of showing that he loves you." I said.

Y/n's POV:

We sat in silence for a bit, and I let Soda's words sink in. I get that Steve loves me. I love him too. But does he always need to treat me like a child?

I sat thinking for a while, then I remembered what Soda said to Sandy. 'I like someone else now.'


"What's up Cookie?"

"Who was that girl?" I asked. My voice started to shake. Don't cry. Please. You'll be okay.

"Cookie, do you mean the girl that came over to the house today? That was Sandy. Are you feeling alright?" He asked, concern laced into eyes and face. I loved how concerned he was. But, I could still feel my heart start to shatter. Not this again. C'mon. We just went through this.

"No Soda. When Sandy was there. You said you liked someone else. Who is she?" I asked, keeping my voice as level as I could. 

"Oh, well, she's like no other. She's beautiful, she'd do anything for the people she loves. At first, I almost didn't want to like her because of what happened with Sandy. Then, I realized I felt safe with her. Like she could take all my pain away in one smile."

I tried so hard to keep it in. "She sounds nice," I managed to mumble.

"Cookie? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Soda asked, pulling me into a hug. He always knew when I started to cry.

"Oh, nothing. Don't worry about it," I said, quickly wiping my tears and getting up. I can't be here anymore. I'm in love with my best friend, and he likes someone else.

"Cookie..," he started. But it was too late. I already had my back turned towards him and was running down the hill. 

I could hear footsteps behind me, but I just ran faster until I couldn't hear them anymore. I was fully crying now. I felt bad, leaving him like that- and my ice cream- but I just couldn't stay there anymore.

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