Chapter 1: No, I am not going out with you

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Disclaimer: As much as I'd like it, no, none of these characters belong to me. Such as the sassy, handsome James. *sighs* The sassy, handsome James!

Yeah, my first go at a fanfic. They're in, like fourth year, I think. I know James started asking her out in fifth year, but hopefully it's not that big a difference!

Enjoy, and give comments. It means a lot. Siriusly.


Chapter 1: No, I am not going out with you

"Go away, Potter. For the last time, I am so not going out with you." Lily snapped before turning her back on him and walking away determinedly, hugging her history textbooks close to her chest to prevent herself from lashing out with a hex James Potter had coming for a long time.

James masked the frustration in his voice effortlessly, Years of playing poker had given him a the ability to pull off an exceptionally convincing poker face. "One day, Evans! One day you'll regret you didn't accept my offer sooner."

He tried for a laugh, just to act cool and show that he was not at all deterred by Evans' refusal, but he couldn't. He couldn't even muster up a tight smile.

He watched the petite Lily Evans walking away with interest. She was definitely playing hard to get, and it was so... hot.

Finally, someone challenging. The girls at school, always batting their eyelashes and thrusting their ever-so-slightly unbutoned uniforms . Sure, he enjoyed the attention, but the Chudley Cannons will win Puddlemere United before he fancies them.

Being flirtatious and having occasional flings, no problem. But a stable relationship? You have got to be kidding.

His eyes were still on Evans as she flounced over to that greasy- head Slytherin, Snivellus. He had almost forgotten his real name. Something that rhymed with ape, he barely recalled.

Snivelly saw him and the corners of his mouth curled into a sneer that made James wanted to hex him. But no, Evans was too close, he didn't want to risk hitting her.

Snivellus was now smiling as he sneaked a paw - okay, HAND - over her waist.

That's was the last straw! For James couldn't stand someone as weak and undeserving as Snivellus to do what he couldn't, he pointed his wand at Snivelly's butt and muttered, "Engorgio".


Lily was about to bat away Severus' hand when she saw his rear end expanding to a considerable size.

Turning red with mortification, "Sev," she said weakly.

"What?" He said, trying to be endearing, as he always did. Lily enjoyed his dedication to their friendship, despite his Slytherin friends always throwing them glares of undisguised disgust.

Lily sighed. Merlin, how was she going to phrase this?

"Your, um, bum, is, er, growing."

Averting her eyes, her cheeks reddened further at the sight of Severus fumbling to get his wand from the back pockets of his robes, a considerably tough task as the black fabric of his robes was now stretched tight.

From the corner of her eye she could see that arrogant, good-for-nothing bully, Potter, sauntering along the corridor, a smirk playing on his lips as he walked around the next corner, and disappeared from her view.

She scowled.

What was it with Potter and his immature pranks? He and his bunch of friends he called the 'Marauders' were always bugging people for their own pleasure, and Lily can't help but notice that they seemed to target Sev.

And he was always nagging her about going out with him, as if! No way she would be exposing herself to public humiliation. Besides, she knew all about Potter and his flings, she did not need a broken heart (if, in the very unlikely event her feelings actually went beyond those of revulsion and nausea), thank you.

She looked back at Severus, who had just reduced the size of his rear end and was also scowling at Potter.

Trying to be sneaky about it, she slipped out of Severus' arm and told him she'd better get on with class, who proceeded to spit on the floor- an action she had always disapproved of.

Lily hurried away back to the dormitories to meet up with her friends.

"Draconus Titallandus" she said, panting, to the Fat Lady.

Honestly, she had no idea what it meant. Dormitory passwords were like that sometimes.

She walked inside. "Alice," Lily smiled at the sight of her friend, Alice's hands were on her hips.

"Lils, where were you?" The worrying in her voice was amusing. Lily giggled, her posture totally didn't match her usually-bubbly self.

"What?" Alice asked. "Lils, you should know that it's not safe for you to wander alone in this school, even while Dumbledore's headmaster."

Lily frowned, she didn't like Alice emphasizing the word 'you'.

"I wasn't alone, I was with Severus!"

"The Slytherin, sure." Alice snorted and rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong with being a Slytherin?" Lily asked, defensive.

She knew Alice was not fond of Severus, but why the contempt and... hate? All the Death Eaters belonged in Slytherin, but couldn't there ever be one Slytherin that, against all odds, manage to be a  Gryffindor's best friend?

Alice gazed at Lily disapprovingly, she would never understand. Her green almond-shaped eyes were filled to the brim with love, friendship-love, for that greasy slimeball. What she saw in him, Alice would never know? Severus was not a saint, and he did things Lily waved off or perceived as indifferent ones. Alice knew nothing would change Lily's mind, not yet.

"Let's get to History." Alice waved her hand dismissively and Lily understood that the matter was off, for now.

A/N: First try at writing a fanfic *inserts nervous, inhuman noises*

Now, constructive, albeit harsh criticism is totally appreciated. Even small things like typos and grammatical mistakes. I'm (probably) not gonna bite.

I'm kinda making this up as I go along. Sooooo, any ideas or pranks? If not, this story is going to be really, really boring. *puppy pouts*

Thanks for anyone who's spent precious minutes from their life to read this awful disgrace to Jily. Your support means everything!(≧∇≦)

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