Chapter 17: A large step of Faith

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Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. That's right, I'm actually formal for once.

Chapter 17: A large step of Faith

Lily walked up the stairs to her dormitory, her mind numb from taking in all the things she had just seen.

The stag had fled immediately upon her outburst, which confirmed her suspicion that James was actually an animal.

Yet, to become an animal, he did not have much ways to go. The Polyjuice potions works only on humans and can go disastrously wrong when animal fur is used. Which means he must be...

No, don't even think of the word!

Unregistered, great. Breaking wizarding law, something incredibly Potter-ish.

How long had he become... become that? Lily strongly suspected fifth year, when his retorts had greatly lessened. The Mandrake leaf, of course!

This also explained his obsession with antlers.

Oh, god, what was she thinking? Better to have never had a hand in this.

She could not bring herself to tattle to the ministry.

But if Potter ever got exposed, she would be accused of intentionally covering up the truth. She didn't want to wind up in prison, thank you.

She walked to James' room, which was next to hers.

"Open up!" She banged her fists on the door. "Open up!"

Lily reached for the knob, it was locked.

"James Fleamont Potter! You open this door right now or we will have to solve things the hard way!" Lily raised her fists.

No response.

"Alohamora!" She exclaimed angrily. The door swung open.

It was deserted except for Remus, unconscious, half-naked in James' bed.

Lily felt her cheeks flame. "I- I'm s-sorry." She mumbled and retreated for the door, conscious of the embarrassing position she forced herself into.

She was at the doorframe when a great, black hound bounced out of nowhere.

"I didn't know James had a dog." She mumbled in her bewilderment, mostly to herself as she crouched beside it and patted it on the head.

The dog licked at her face. Lily laughed. "Stop it, you."

"Well, I expect James will be back… soon." Her voice faltered as she saw James, wrapped in a long traveller's coat that covered him from head to toe, at the bottom of the stairs.

"Well, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask where you were an hour ago." She narrowed her eyes, getting to her feet.

"That's it?" James exclaimed. "That's the grand welcome I get? Not even a 'thank you' for last night?"

"Thank you. But don't ignore my question."

He gave an exasperated sigh.

James wouldn't have showed himself if he knew she was there. He must have lost his wand to perform magic which should have provided him with an alternative.

Sighing, Lily said "Accio wand", and James' wand was in her grasp. She knew James all too well.

She tossed it to him. "Fine, lie all you want. I just expected a bit honesty and decency from friends."

His ashen white face wore the expression of being clubbed on the head.

She turned her back on him and faced her door, her fingers resting on the knob.

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