Chapter 22: The Once-Innocent Dormitory

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Disclaimer: These characters will never belong to me, however much I wish they did:'(

Chapter 22: The Once-Innocent Dormitory

"Sirius." She was surprised her voice hadn't cracked yet.

So her friends had literally gift-wrapped Sirius and sent him to her room. Only Lily could have thought of this. She scowled at the thought. Alice's and Mary's gift must have been privacy.

She did the only thing that came to her mind: she shut the lid, and then her eyes, hoping that if she wished hard enough, this would all disperse; like bad dreams always do.

She could feel another force from inside the box fighting the force she was exerting on the lid herself. She didn't fight it. She stepped aside and sat on her bed. Soon, the lid popped off the box and Sirius stuck his hand out.

"No jinxes or hexes please." He said before his popped out of the box.

The box must have been too high for him and he choose the easy-way out. He got back inside and pushed at the box, which toppled on the side, then he climbed out rather unceremoniously.

"Hey." He said sheepishly. Marlene threw a pillow at him, which ruffled his hair. For once, he did not complain.

The whole situation was so bizarre that Marlene started laughing.

He stopped walking towards her and frowned- the kind that made Marlene's heart melt despite the fact she was supposed to be mad at him.

"What's so funny?" He asked, his voice hoarse. He cleared his throat.

"You." Marlene said between giggles.

Sirius relaxed visibly and sat on her bed, next to her.

Marlene felt, rather than saw the close proximity between the both of them, sending small chills down her skin. Her heart jagged out an irregular rhythm. No, he wasn't going to ruin her life a second time. Marlene edged away.

"You're a player. I'm just a regular girl who wants to settle down. Please don't." She whispered.

"Don't what?" He asked, confused.

"Don't f*ck up my life anymore." She whispered.

(A/N: Sorry for the swears! I've tried so hard to use synonyms and different phrases but this one was irreplaceable to me. Sorry!)

"That I can do." Were the last words Marlene heard before he crushed his lips to hers.

She had meant to protest, meant to push him away, meant to send him out the door and tell him she never want to set eyes on him ever again.

Yet her willpower crumbled to dust the second their lips met, and she was kissing him back. Days of sorrow, nights of crying into pillows faded into nothing as the world dissolved, leaving only him and her, alone.

He started the kiss, and he had to end it and watch her gasp and take huge breaths and her fingertips lingering on his shirt.

His mouth was twisted into a smirk but his eyes were glowing with desire. He put his hands on either side of her hip and leaned in closer so he could feel her hot breath through the thin fabric of his shirt.

"We need to talk." She gasped. "And you're distracting me." She whispered. She could feel his strong, bold fingers, taut against her hipbone.

So close, yet so far.

"Okay. What do you want to talk about?" He whispered as he kissed her down her jawline.

Marlene pressrd her eyelids together. "Nothing." She smiled and moved her hands to his face, kissing hungrily down his jaw. Her hands slowly slipped inside his neatly-brushed hair and she held it tightly like it was a lifeline. Sh pushed him onto her bed, their lips still touching, her elbows supporting her.

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