Chapter 3: Exchange of Letters

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Disclaimer: For anyone out there who's drooling at James, friendly reminder that these characters don't belong to me. Thank Jo instead.

To anyone who's still listening to my rants, thanks a lot.

Fast-fowarding to the start of Lily's fifth year. No offense to Snily shippers, but I want Snape out of Lily's life ASAP!

Chapter 3: Exchange of Letters


After much shaking and, frankly, slapping, Lily opened her sleepy eyes.

Her green eyes sought Petunia's, which were wild and bloodshot.

"What is it, Tuney?" Lily stifled a yawn.

"Your freaky school is interfering with my life again, against your stupid promises!"

Petunia stormed out of the room, no doubt about to launch another complaint to their parents, hoping she could move out.

Of course Lily didn't want to move out, Tuney was her beloved sister! The Evans' financial situation did not allow them to do so either, and her family was too proud to accept Hogwarts' fundings.

Lily sighed. The silence in her room suddenly made Lily register the genteel tapping on the window. Lily would recognise that sound anywhere, the musical scrapping of an owl's beak against glass.

Lily straigtened up. There it was, a cute, fluffly barn owl with feathers of brown and white.

She opened the window. This must be the racket Tuney was complaining about before. Well, Lily must grudgingly admit, Tuney always had a knack for exaggerating.

She gave the owl some bread crumbs and sent it away. She knew who it was from.

It was already mid-August and in a handful of weeks, she would be abroad the magical scarlet train which wil send her back to her school and second home- Hogwarts.

She saw the seal on the letter an smiled. The red paint was remarkably comforting, giving her a sense of security and warmth.

She tore it open without hesitation and her eyes skimmed across the pages.

Not much additional books were needed this year, and Lily was grateful- perhaps this would lessen the financial burden sitting on her parents' shoulders.

She was about to put down the various pieces of parchment when one stood out.

She picked it up and read it. Disbelief and joy coloring her eyes. She read it over and over. She can't believe it, was this recognition of her good work?

She licked her finger an dabbed at the green ink. The ink bled a little.

Yes, as confusing as it might seem, it was real.

She slipped on her slippers and then, not bothering to brush her hair, walked- no, skipped- to the living the room.

"Mom, Dad. I've been made a prefect!" The joy in her voice was unmistakable.

Her mom hugged her and her dad patted her head. Lily was bathing herself into the love and endearment of her parents when she heard a snort.

She whipped around. The first thing she registered was Tuney's blazing eyes, filled to the brim with accusation, hatred, and... jealousy?

Then, she could see the boy standing at the door, holding a bunch of... petunias?

Comprehension flickered in her green eyes as she took in the meaty boy next to her stern sister.

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