Chapter 37: Death comes for us all

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You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.

~Mahatma Gandhi

*media contains Cursed Child spoiler*

"Whoa, steady."

Lily looked up to see Adrian looking at her with kind blue eyes.

"Is James on drugs?" She asked without a thought. Adrian was a close friend of James', and she couldn't bring herself to ask any of the other Marauders.

He arched one eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"Never mind." She muttered.

"I was wondering, Evans." Was it her imagination or were his cheeks slightly red? "Would you like to go for a drink with me at Hogsmeade tomorrow? No intentions, I just thought we might be friends."

She was about to refuse, tell Adrian that she wasn'treally in the mood for anything other than sulking when James slipped into her mind, and she thought with sudden determination that she wasn't about to allow him to break her. She will carry on with her life.

"Of course."


"What did you do?" Sylvia asked him in horror, shaking his shoulders.

His mind was numb, there was not even a back-up witty remark. The look of betrayal and sorrow he had seen on Lily's face would haunt him for the rest of his life.

(A/N: Like, three years?)

But he knew her, and he knew the betrayal in her eyes wasn't because he broke up with her-not even face-to-face- but because she expected more from him. She didn't even yell at him, to let her anger out. She just stared brokenly, her green eyes piercing through him.

Lily, my love. He thought, his chest suffocating. I'm sorry.

A muggle-born like her surviving this long in a school of prejudice was a miracle in itself, and he didn't want to further tip the scales by adding himself into the equation.

He wished he could tell her that he never wanted to leave her, but it was that or endanger her life.

He wished he could share his parents' attack with her, and explain that people closest to him get hurt, and that he would never want that for her.

He wished he could tell her everything, but it was all too late now.

He left the deserted classroom quickly, without giving an answer to Sylvia, who looked at his retreating back hopefully.


"THE DEATH EATERS!" Someone yelled.

Sylvia's jaw dropped, her face stark white. There could be no good reason for a Death Eater attack lauched so soon after her release.

Whatever the Death Eaters planned, tonight would set it in motion.

And she would sell her soul for it not to happen so soon, for her to spend a few more moments with James truthfully.

She followed the hubbub to the Great Hall, where the battle always was, and whipped her wand out nervously, ready to fight.

But on which side?


"And that's for ruining my birthday party," Lily snarled as she fired a bat-bogey hex to her opponent, who screamed. But she didn't stop to see the havoc she wrought on the Death Eater's face as she raced to help Lizzie Hopkins, cornered by a few Death Eaters.

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