Chapter 24: November in a Flash

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Disclaimer: Well, none of these characters are legally mine, but in a way, they sort of are. Cheers.

Chapter 24: November in a Flash

Alice was sogged from head to toe.

"Toadface! Morons!" She raised her fists to the backs of Sirius, Peter and Remus.

Lily edged closer to Mary to make space for Marlene. "What is it?"

"Well, I told you Frank only sends letters to my dormitory instead of regularly to the Hall," she grimaced. "Someone knew that, and when I excused myself to the dormitory, someone," she scowled, "dropped a pail of snow on my head." She looked at the boys, laughing their heads off at the end of the hall at the sight of her wet, flattened hair.

Alice's scowl deepened.

"Must be Marlene." Mary giggled, "Sirius can torture anything out of her."

Marlene peeked her head between them suddenly. "What's so funny?"

"N- n- n- nothing." Lily giggled, even Alice was showing a smile.

"I don't want to hear it now." Marlene said, disgusted.

"Suit yourself." Mary giggled. Marlene swatted her gently on the head.

"Any plans for the holidays yet?" Lily changed the topic effectively.

"Home." Alice said immediately, then blushed.

Lily and the others gave knowing grins. Lily thought of that day they played truth or dare and what she had asked Alice. The smile on her face grew bigger with mischief.

Mary said. "I'm not sure. Probably home, no use staying here."

Marlene piped up. "If Sirius stays, I stay too. If he doesn't, I won't either because... it's better to have someone at home to defend. And my brother..." Marlene's soft voice trailed into silence and Lily was uncomfortable.

Petunia flitted, unwelcome in her mind. The hurt look on Petunia's face every time she mentioned Hogwarts made Lily's heart ache. At least Marlene's brother knew magic and could at least defend himself against minor curses or get on a broom and flee, but Petunia was a muggle, with no magic inside her whatsoever.

"If any of us wind up dead on your freaky news, be content with the knowledge that it's all your fault."

-were the last words Petunia had snapped to her. Ever since Lily started emphasizing the danger in the Wiarding World, Petunia had been determinedly keeping her distance.

"Lily? Lils!" Alice was snapping her fingers in front of her.

"W- what?"

"You're following James?"

Lily scowled. "No! Of course I'll go back home! Even if..."

"We get it." Mary said sypathetically. "We'll send you letters."

"Honestly they're one of the few things that keeps my life going." Lily smiled kindly at Mary.


Lily loved to see the sparkle in her friend's eye. "Yes."

"November," Marlene sighed. "I can't believe how quick this year passed."

"Me neither." Alice admitted. "Seems like yesterday we were on the train."

"Well, loads of things happened in three months, huh?" Marlene grinned.

"Yeah, Marlene hooked up with Sirius and Alice-"

"Don't you dare finish that!" Alice glared at Lily, blushing furiously.

"I just don't get what Alice can't tell me!" Mary complained.

"Lily didn't tell me what she asked Alice on Hallowe'en either!" Marlene seconded.

"What's going on?" They said in unison.

"Nothing!" Alice said quickly. Then, after purposefully fanning her hair over her face, she picked up her books and left quickly.

Marlene and Mary turned to Lily with accusing looks. "I... have... class! Gotta go!" She replied quickly and left; it wasn't her secret to tell.

"Who doesn't have class?" Marlene asked Mary, confused

Mary shrugged.


Sirius ruffled James' hair. "Where were you?"

James jumped. "Studying." He tried to speak smoothly.

"And studying involves ignoring us purposefully?" Sirius snorted.

"I was just thinking." James sighed.

"Look. Ever since seventh year started, you've stopped being an idiot."

"Isn't that a good thing?" James asked, indignant.

"Yea, but that's not you. You're changing for a girl!"

"Not just some girl." James mumbled.

"Whatev." Sirius crossed his arms. "She's like a drug, and life is chaos under her influence." And with that happy note Sirius stormed out of his room.

James sighed.


Short chapter, I just didn't want November go unnoticed^_^

I'm thinking of Christmas as anniversary. And because Jo's recent info is that they met up with Vernon in late 1977, which is this year! I'm speeding up but trying to sort out the plot...

So please read, VOTE and COMMENT because they are sorta the fuel to keep me going~~


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