Chapter 2: History of Magic

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Disclaimer: Yeah, well. I know, I know, these characters don't belong to me. And I'm in tears.

A/N: This chapter is still in fourth year. But I'm already fastforwarding it.


Chapter 2: History of Magic

Alice and Lily were walking to their next class, History of Magic, gossiping over the latest Hogwarts scandals (apparently Celestina Warbeck had been caught singing off-tune in a drunken stupor after hours, and was caught snogging Sirius Black in an emptied classroom when Professor Flitwick went to invesigate) , when they heard laughter and saw a cloud of mixed green/silver robes and red/golden ones.

Alice hastened to walk forward, pulling Lily with her. Neither wanted any trouble, seeing as they've got enough on their hands, the occasional Death Eater attacks and all.

Lily caught sight of a tuft of messy black hair, which she instinctively realised as-

"Potter. I absolutely loathe that git." she said in a tone between a whisper and a scowl, gritting her teeth. "The sooner we leave, the better we'll be."

"Go where?" Alice asked, raising one eyebrow as her eyes danced with humour. "This is the History classroom."

Lily, realising her mistake, said nothing in response and let Alice pull her along.

As they got closer, they understood why they saw a 'mix' of green/ silver robes.

The Slytherins were all lumped together in one big group. Lily'd take a guess at a sticking charm on their robes.

Hope it wasn't permanent. She frowned.

Lily did not like the Slytherins, except Severus, of course.

But she cannot allow them to cause chaos in class, for the professors' sake. Don't people know rrespect anymore? Or did that just fall out of the window in times of war? A personal hatred towards the criminals did not justify harming them behind closed doors.

She walked closer and took a clearer look at the charm, careful not to stand too close as the Slytherins were now fighting and lunging regardless of their 'sticky problem'. They were far too dumb to realize that one movement might bring all of them down together, making the charm therefore harder to dissolve. Lily grimaced.

That was when Potter noticed her.

"Evans," he said cheerily.

Lily turned, "Did you do this?" She mustered up what she hoped was a sneer of contempt on her face.

"If I said I did, would you go out with me?" Potter had a gleam of unknown emotion in his eyes. No, Lily wasn't about to inspect it.

"I'd rather go out with the -"

Potter held up his hands in defeat, anticipating her answer. "I get it. But one day," he wagged his eyebrows in a villainous way. "You'd regret your choice."

He turned around and started to walk away. Away from her.

"Wait," Lily cried out, there was something she needed to know. He would probably tease her for missing him so quickly.

"What?" He said, surprisingly without turning around.

"Is this permanent?" She inclined her head, gesturing to the whimpering Slytherins, who were now on the floor.

He did not answer, instead, he walked back to his group of 'Marauders', who were less than James but still, immature.

Lily could see that black-haired boy -what was his name again? Sirius. The one often caught snogging random girls and sending marriage proposals to professors, or occasionally simply disrupting class- thumping Potter on the back and laughing.

"Better luck next time," she heard him chuckle.

Lily scowled, she was a game to all of them. A gamble. Did any of them even consider her as a human being? With flesh and feelings?

"If you don't mind, I'd really like to get to class."

Lily jumped up, she'd almost forgotten Alice's presence.

"Sure," she murmured, embarrassed. "Sorry."

Alice, sensing her discomfort, teased her further. "You were asking Potter something?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to know if the charm was permanent."

Marlene raised her eyebrows. "Wha-?"

Lily cut her off. "Let's get to class." Marlene McKinnon's questions weren't exactly what she needed right now.

They sat in their usual places in the front row.

Professor Binns came out of nowhere, Mary gave a small shriek.

Lily took a guess that he just floated through the ground. A new personal achievement.

The rest of the lesson was, as usual, immensely fascinating. And Lily wasn't being sarcastic.

The Wizarding World had an interesting past, even with the occasional bloodshed. Nobody knew the impact History of Magic actually had for Lily.

She saw the peace before Voldemort reigned, compared to the people now forced in hiding. She knew it was naive to consider the possibilities of her becoming an... an auror. But she felt that it was her responsibility to take part in the fight against Voldemort.

Besides, she needed to protect her family too. Mum, dad, Tuney, Sev. People she knew and people she didn't.

At least she would give her life up for a good cause.

She was busy scribbling down notes on the Goblin Revolution when words suddenly appeared on her parchment in jet black ink and a nasty, yet somehow stylish scrawl.

Fancy going to Hogsmeade next week? :*

Potter was trying to distract her from the lesson with his pathetic letters, as always.


She was about to jot down the reasons for goblin discontent found when words began to appear again.

Siriusly? :*

She could hear Black shouting, "Hey! Do not, I repeat, do not, evoke my name in vain."

She could also hear Potter's low chuckle.

And then Marlene, annoyed: "What is the matter with you, Black!"

Why was Marlene aggravated? It wasn't the first time Black shouted in class. Lily had thought that Marlene, of all people, would understand and learn to overlook them to save her breath.

Lily shook her head absent-mindedly and wrote back.

Yes, but not with you.

Lily grinned as she heard a fit of chuckles behind her, presumably Remus', the least-aggravating one of all.

"What is it?" Alice edged closer to her. Lily slid the notebook to her.

Alice sighed, "you just had to do that. Tut-tut. Public humiliation." She broke the last word into 5 separate syllables.

Lily shrugged and immersed herself back into the fascinating world of wizarding history.

A/N: This chapter is still a bit boring, but I wanted to emphasize Lily's desire to be an auror and give people some inkling about how she was never going to go out with James, or so she thought.

Wink, wink;)

I'll try my best to update more.

Love and kisses whoever's been reading this. You are the motivation for my story and proof that my fangirling tendencies were not in vain!!

And, again, apologies for any typos or grammatical mistakes.


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