Chapter 39: Salty Peanuts

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Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.


A/N: I feel like an arse for not updating, so here's a filler to sate your needs :v Will try to update soon. My writing skills are getting rusty...

It was during McGonagall's transfiguration class when Argus Filch stormed through the door, face red with anger. James could even swear he saw a vein pop out.

"Caught this one snoopin' 'round the Headmaster's Office." He sneered, holding up a limp, fat Peter Pettigrew with his bony arm. "What say you that I handle his punishment, Deputy Headmistress?"

"Mr. Pettigrew, do you have any explanation for your actions?" Her cat-like face was stern and frowning. If James didn't know her better, he'd say she was disappointed.

"He's knocked out cold." Filch showed the most menacing grin he could manage.

"What did you do to him?" James was surprised to hear Sirius, who was always open about his blatant dislike towards Peter, speak up.

"Relax, Black." Filch directed his attention towards a displeased Sirius. "The minute he saw me he fell on his feet, I didn't do nothing."

James could hear the Ravenclaws in their class snickering.


The Peter incident happened a whole week ago, and not much had changed in the course of one week.

The atmosphere was gloomy as ever. Lily spoke to him but remained courteous when she did. He wasn't stupid, he could see the faint wisp of longing in her eyes he got sometimes passing a girl he had a fling before.

And maybe, for the first time in forever, he had that look in his eyes too.

But he wasn't unrealistic either. It would be a long time before Lily walked out of the shadow Mary's death cast. Even though she didn't say it out loud, he knew she still blamed him.

And he was willing to wait for her, be it one year or ten.

"Potter," Snape acknowledged him in a bored tone, snapping his thoughts away from Lily Evans' lips molding against his as they-

"I believe it is time to settle our debt." Snape continued.

He opened his mouth, ready to refuse now that Lily was alive, well, and well out of harm's reach.

But this was Severus Snape, a schoolful gang of Slytherins and the whole of the Dark Lord's force behind them, against Lily who only performed a corporeal patronus charm once.

Besides, he could use this chance to expose Snape for who he was to Dumbledore.

"Name the day," he said, the words tasted bitter in his mouth. This time, he'd be ready.

The corners of his mouth tilted upwards in an unflattering sneer. "Tomorrow. Forbidden Forest."

"You have got to be kidding me." James replied, the wheels in his head turning. Anything that happened in the Forbidden Forest was never good, meaning whatever they were carrying out was secret, and that whatever plan they hatched, they would probably set it in motion tonight. Made sense, since tomorrow was a weekend.

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

"You always look like a clown, but maybe that's just your face."

He didn't retort or do an ugly sneer James had come to adore. "Tomorrow, Potter. We'll be waiting."

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