Chapter 35: Happy Ever After

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Love is whatever you can still betray. Betrayal can only happen if you love.

John le Carre

(A/N: Damn you, Wattpad! I'm so sorry for the wait, turns out Wattpad deleted everything even though I saved it!)

The last thing she remembered was falling asleep beside James.

Suddenly, she was transported into a world with no memory of travelling. It was raining cats and dogs, and she hastened to find shelter.

It was not long before she saw a castle, with old, chapped bricks but still standing defiantly against the pouring rain.

She knocked on the door hurriedly, which swung open and took her by surprise.

More surprising was the fact that Severus was standing in front of her in wealthy-looking, dry robes, while her dress was torn, tattered and dismally wet. Once upon a time, she might have blushed.


"Peasant girl, what is your business?"

She jumped back slightly, then realized that she was dreaming, and this scenario was far too familiar.

"I'm..." she braced herself for the lie. "...a princess."

He raised his eyebrows, and there was no recognition in his cold eyes, only interest and something else she couldn't decipher.

"Come in."

She did so, because that's how the story went. The room was lit with torches and a grand chandelier, very rich.

He sniffed. "Don't walk around, you'll get water all over the place."

Her eyebrows shot up as Severus called for his mother, she counted him repeating that she was a princess for at least 3 times. Then, he went up, presumably to his mother's room.

Finally, after a long wait with Lily's clothes plastered to her skin, Severus told her to get a hot bath, and into the room he prepared.

Her temporary bedroom was huge, and on the bed was a high, colourful mount of quilts she didn't have to count to know that there were 99.

She rolled her eyes, then climbed on the highly uncomfortable bed, and her back and heart ached. Her mind filled only with the thought of leaving.



And she woke up with a start.

Standing around her were 3 strange women, their hair either concealed by blankets or styled in ugly curls. But their eyes were kind, at least.


The one dressed in red was the first to respond. "Happy Birthday!"

"Birthday?" Wait, wasn't she last lying on 99 mattresses and a pea?

"Yes!" The green one squealed, "and we're going to take you back tomorrow."

"Back where?" Lily was starting to have a horrible feeling about this.

"Oh shush," the red one reprimanded. "It's a surprise."

The blue one cut in. "Lily, my flower. Why don't you go pick some berries for dinner? We're running low on them."

"Yes, yes!" The red and green women squealed as they got her up and pushed her to the door, wrapping the plain tablecloth around her hair in the process.

"But-" Lily protested, but the door already swung shut behind her.

Berries for dinner. Merlin!

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