Chapter 6: Mudblood

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Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, these characters have no relation whatsoever with me. I didn't create them or anything. Blah, blah, blah, you know what I'm saying.

Chapter 6: Mudblood

Lily hugged her knees, teardrops slowly falling onto the white sheets.

Mary, Marlene and Alice were beside her, patting her shoulder in an afffectionate way. They were saying comforting words, anything, to relieve Lily of her anguish.

But she barely acknowledged them.

More than 4.5 years of magical education had taught her that the situation in Hogwarts for a muggle-born like her was dangerous.

Like the idiot she was, she had thought that this was Hogwarts, and no harm can come to her here.

She hadn't counted on the mental harm.

Sev- Snape, had always been her best friend. From years ago down in the little playground he had told her she was a witch, and then, throughout the years, guided her through her pain and misery.

She could hear that unforgivable insult ringing in her years again, along with the contempt and fury.


Tears gushed out of her eyes again and she fought her natural impulse to sob and curl up in her bed.

She heard a gentle thump of the door and was shocked to realise that Mary had left.

"She's just going to get a glass of pumpkin juice for you." Marlene said soothingly.

Lily sobbed her gratitude.

Mary came back moments later supporting a crystal glass, half-filled with orange liquid that spread a vegan aroma.

Lily clutched the goblet with her trembling hands, barely aware that Mary was now talking with Marlene and Alice in an agitated whisper.

"The nerve of him!"

"You sure he's out there?"

"No, that may be another stranger posing him. Of course I saw him!"

"So, what do we do now?"

"It's not our decision to make."

After much whispering and debating, Alice walked over to Lily and sat down next to her, wrapping her arm around Lily's waist. Marlene sat on the other side and looked at Lily with concern. Mary crossed her legs and sat onto the floor.

"Lily," Mary said, and hesitated.

"We hate to bother you with another trouble when you've already got a lot on your hands," Alice said. "But Mary just saw Snape outside the portrait, and he said he wanted to talk to you."

Lily opened her mouth.

Marlene put a finger on Lily's lips and breathed, "I know, Lilyflower. I don't want you to talk to him either. But I felt that his tone demanded a reply in person."

"And he threatened to stay the night," Mary piped up, then quieted down under Alice's piercing glare.

"Just think about it. And if you wanna stay in the common room for a while after talking to him, we'll understand." Marlene said.

Lily smiled through her puffy eyes.

Alice smiled too, "I'll fix you up."

She dabbed something slimy around her eyes and she could feel them lessy puffy now.

"Tergeo," Alice tapped Lily with her wand, which siphoned off most of her tears.

The last thing Lily heard before closing the dormitory door was Mary whispering, "Go kick his butt."

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