Chapter 27: Sluggish Christmas Fun

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Disclaimer: You know the characters you fell in love with? Your OTPs? They don't belong to me.

Chapter 27: Sluggish Christmas Fun

Slughorn really overdid it this time. Or did he do this every year? James honestly didn't know.

"I leave you here," Gwen said from beside him and then sashayed away to a group of giggling girls. James smirked, she never really got over the shock of losing the Quidditch match to the Lions.

Still, he eyed her back doubtfully, was a plum red dress really her best choice?

(A/N: Surprisingly, as a girl, I don't have much fashion sense, so forgive me if I don't want to go into much detail. Just know that, for James, Lily will always overshadow Gwenog.)

It seemed a bit too... complicated for this occasion, with those girly ribbons, and her head was braided in pigtails.

Pigtails! For Heaven's sake!

He sighed and turned away quickly upon seeing Slughorn walking in Gwenog's direction. He didn't want to hear insults.

Another reason why he actually had genuine feelings for Lily. His thoughts continued, but in another direction.

Lily never tried to make herself look beautiful, it wasn't like she was actually confident in her original looks, it's more the fact that she didn't really care. Which was a rare factor in this school.

He was sick of the girls from his younger years, batting their eyelashes and putting on way too much makeup that it smeared their face.

Lily was beautiful in her way, she just never saw that about herself. "She could use some reminding," he mused to himself with a wicked grin on his face.

Reminding, cool. If she ever even talked to him again, he would make sure of that. But right now, Lily was in one of her big tempers where she wouldn't spare him with a cold glance, even when they bumped into each other in the corridors.

Sirius seemed grimly gleeful about this arrangement, because it meant that he would get his mind off of Evans, especially when Sirius was telling him something important.

Suddenly, a hushed silence draped itself around the small crowd.

Remember what James said about Lily never trying to make herself look beautiful? Well, scratch that. She was glamorous today.

If you compared her to Gwenog, you would say that she was incredibly plain and even a second's attention was too much for her. But in James' eyes her aura dampened every other's.

She was the apple- star, of his eyes, and his alone.

Her fiery, glossy red hair was not in its usual messy bun she applied when she buried her head in mountains of books.

Instead, the ends were finely trimmed and seemed emit a dull red glow as the beams of disco light caressed it gently.

Being elegantly styled so that small curls cascaded down her back, clashing with her green silk dress, like small balls of fire licking on dark green grass.

Her slight fringe was swept to one side and, miraculously, didn't fall to cover her eyes. Those careless little loose strands hanged beside her ears.

Her loose bun was so fragile it looked like it might fall any second, and James wanted to be the one to catch it.

Her dress was one-strapped, and he wanted to walk to her and tell her to wear a coat.

Unlike Gwenog, it wasn't decorated with much beads or ribbons or fluffy decoration, it was just tightly-futted silk hugging her body, showing her lovely curves. It made way and was more fanned out when it reached her knees. Every step she took, the dress flapped a bit, and James could hear his heart following that rhythm.

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