Chapter 18: The Trajectory Night

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Disclaimer: It's painstakingly obvious these characters don't belong to me. Cry with me, lass.

Chapter 18: The Trajectory Night

Lily was back at the meadow again. She could see sunlight reflecting back as a beautiful rainbow not far in front of her.

She ran to it, leaning against the crystal clear pond. Without warning, water splashed from the pond onto her face.

Suddenly, she was jolted sideways and fell onto the ground. She put a hand on the side of her head as she used her hand to support herself and back into a sitting position

"Ow." She said, her red hair plastered to her face and back. James was chasing Sirius around, his hair also dripping with water.

She picked up her wand, which she could barely pick up in front of her if she stretched, and pointed it at herself.

Her clothes went dry immediately.

She pointed her wand at James, though he was a hard target to his, what with all the running around and such.

After that, she waited until she could get a good aim at Sirius Black, who was still being chased around by a now-dry James.

"Aguamenti Maxima."

Sirius was drenched from head to toe. James stopped running after him and gaped, then laughed.

Sirius held up his hands. "Fine, you win, through cheating."

"To be fair, I didn't exactly plan that." James put a hand on Sirius' shoulder.

"I'm cool."

"You're wet, literally."

"So are you." Sirius elbowed James.

"Eww." Lily cut through. "Time-out."

"It's the least you have to take into account if you're ever going to sleep with him again." He raised an eyebrow.

Lily blushed to her hairline. "I did not!"

"We just dozed off." James amended, though there was a slight tint of pink in his cheeks too.

"Ah. He uses the royal we." Sirius put on a horrible French accent.

"Whatever." James shrugged. "Ow."

"Did you break your stitches again?" Lily asked, standing up but unsure of her next procedure.

Sirius, thankfully, said nothing, but raised his eyebrows wickedly and grinned.

"I'm fine." He winced.

"No, you're not!"

"I am."



"Time-out." Sirius grinned, imitating Lily.

"You should get a qualified nurse," Lily mumbled and she started walking to the stairs.

"Why should I, when I have you?" James grinned and followed her.

"I'm not qualified." She mumbled.

"You're as good as one."

"Wait, what did you guys do? In the tower." Sirius interjected.

"Thanks to Nurse Lily, I'm as good as new."

"What you mean, is that you were half-naked."

There was a thump and then Sirius' barking laugh.

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