Chapter 12: Boom? Boom! Maybe boom will be our always

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Disclaimer: I mean, it's incredibly obvious that these characters don't belong to me. Why bother disclaimimg?

Chapter 12: Boom? Boom! Maybe Boom will be our always

Lily was in the meadow where she first met Severus again, but perhaps not as young. She would be in seventh year. She was taller, though that isn't saying much.

She saw a figure, coated in black, walking towards her at a leisurely pace.

"Sev?" She thought, her heart beating at an irregular rhythm.

She ran towards him, only pausing to throw away her annoying heels. Seriously, who put her in them?

She bounced into his arms.

"Believe me, I did change, for the better." He whispered in her ear.

"I know," she choked.

"James." She whispered.

He smiled, a boyish, yet angelic smile.

"Wake up." He whispered again.

"Wake up," he began shaking her.

"Wassit" she groaned, and hugged her blanket closer to herself.

She could hear muffled laughter, the sound of it pierced her ears and made her eyelids flutter open in shock.

"What are you doing here?" She half-shouted.

He stepped back, narrowly avoiding Lily's hairbrush, aimed at his forehead.

(A/N: Yup, Rachel Dare. They're both redheads. Kronos and James are so going down.)

"What was that for?" He exclaimed.

"Why don't you tell me?"

"You never gave me a chance to!"

"Fine, you have exactly thirty seconds to explain before I toss you out." Lily folded her arms.

"Attack! Death Eaters!"

The words had an incredible impact on Lily.

"What?" She whispered.

Maybe he sensed that she was afraid, so he continued in a marginally gentle voice.

"We have to go."

"No," she said in a normal voice, her strength returning. "We have to fight."

The ghost of a smile tugged at James' mouth.

"I expected you to say that."

Together, they slid down the stairs.

Suddenly, a thought popped into Lily's mind.

"How did you get past the charms I set on my door?"

He pressed his lips into a line, as if trying to hold back laughter.

"You're too predictable." He said, and the small smile transformed into a full-blown grin.

Lily pursed her lips and elbowed him.

"'Head Girl Adminstering Violence on Unarmed Student', how's that for a change in the Prophet's headlines?"

"It seems nice, better than all those casualities anyway."

James immediately shut up.

Suddenly, Lily heard light footsteps behind them.

She whipped around, wand in hand.

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