Chapter 13: Around the Corners

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Disclaimer: Isn't it obvious that none of these characters belong to me??!

(A/N: God Dammed Wattpad deleted everything from the chapter except the disclaimer.

I can't promise to restore everything that should've been here, but I'm trying.

If you've read this before it was deleted, and know I missed something, please don't hesitate to tell me:)

Chapter 13: Around the corners

It was a chilly morning, doubt not. Cold wind whipped against her skin, and Lily found in it the release she had been craving for a long time.

Her friends had adjusted to her request at being left alone for this particular Hogsmeade morning, saying nothing before turning away, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

While walking pointlessly along the deserted streets of Hogsmeade, she thought of the battle of the previous night. Looking upon it from today, she found it unfamiliar, as if from a dream years ago.

After the battle, she had found out that the one who freed her from the death eater's horrifying black ropes, an unnamed stranger Lily never got to thank, was murdered in his distraction.

To deal with the knowledge that the boy's blood was on her hands, blood that needn't be spilled in the place of hers, was too much to bear.

She tried to push the unwelcoming thoughts from her head as she turned at another corner, craving nothing more than to lose herself in the another side of Hogsmeade.


Walking moodily, pointlessly, unsettled Lily, for she liked being someone with a purpose, whose life meant something to this world.

As she started to make her way back, she heard the first human sound since she turned at the first corner half an hour ago.

A soft sigh.

A contented groan.

Lit up with curiosity, Lily swept her dark red hair in a makeshift ponytail over her shoulder to hold it in place, while she peeked, around the corner.

Her pupils dilated in surprise and her bottom lip trembled. It was more shock than interest that held her in place and ensured her silence.

With her school tie tossed onto the floor, the first few buttons of her shirt unbuttoned  and the zip of her dress halfway done, Lily thought it fitting to describe Sylvia as barely dressed.

With a sinking feeling that she just swallowed one of Hagrid's rock cakes full, Lily recognised James' own muscular body pinning Sylvia's down, his own attire similar to that of Sylvia's as he leaned in with slightly puffed lips and pressed his mouth onto Sylvia's. She sighed.

Lily stood, paralyzed with her feet rooted to the ground, willing herself to move as she watched Sylvia's leg curl around James' thigh, pulling him closer, which Lily'd never thought possible.

James' hand, once around Sylvia's waist, now reached to cup her face. Staring, Lily couldn't help but remember that those same hands had guided her throughout her school year so far.

And yet, they were the same hands which had caused her much trouble.

Almost involuntarily, she gasped as Sylvia began to push away James' shirt and let it pool to the ground.

James' eyes darkened, and the shock of it finally sent Lily running, pointlessly away, wanting nothing more than to leave the scene as far away as possible and burn the images away from her mind and scatter it to the wind

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