Chapter 4: Back to Hogwarts

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Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. There, you happy? I'm not.

Chapter 4: Back to Hogwarts

This is it.

After waiting for an excruciatingly long 1.5 months, she was actually going back to Hogwarts, the place she loved.

She saw Severus, engulfed with steam, at the far end of the platform. He looked moodier and more... mature.

This time, there were two students beside him whom he introduced as Avery and Mulciber.

Lily personally thought that those were weird names.

And they had weird looks too. Yes, they could've been different people under their masks. But they wore the same gaunt expression and sneer that sent chills down Lily's spine.

She searched for Alice's and Marlene's compartment. She was about to settle herself onto the leather couch when she noticed that they had company.

Three boys, opposing them, were laughing, chuckling and teasing.

Directly opposite her, was none other than that troublemaker whom she had been corresponding with quite frequently this summer.

James Potter, lounging in his seat, his hands behind his head, said, "Sup, Evans?"

Black kicked Potter under his knee and he immediately straightened.

The girls giggled as James lunged himself at Sirius, tackling him onto the floor, wand at his neck.

Sirius taunted, "You wouldn't want Moony to give you detention. He's a prefect."

"Is that so?" James muttered something they couldn't hear. Then, he handed Sirius a mirror

"You jerk," Sirius cried out in dismay at the sight of his silver eyebrows.

"It does suit your eyes," Remus snorted.

"So, you're implying that you're not going to help me, the love of your life, by doing me a favor. Such as tossing this git into detention?" The accusation in Sirius' voice was amusing.

Remus shrugged.

Lily spoke up, giggling. "I might be able to help you with that, you know?" She fingered her prefect badge.

Potter spluttered as his eyes darted from Remus to Lily.

"W- what. So you m- m- mean. You two-"

"Shut up, Prongs," Remus advised, faintly smug.

Wasn't it painfully obvious that Lily would be a prefect?

"You're a prefect too, Remus?" Lily ignored Potter pointedly.

"It would appear so," Remus fingered his badge too, mirroring Lily's action.

Lily grinned, if she could choose anybody to be the other prefect. Remus would be her kind of choice. In all four of the Marauders, he was the one she most respected.

She saw more than what people saw, the kindness behind those blurry eyes, the daring personality behind his nerd-ness.

She knew, if she ever told him this, he would not believe her. But Lily would be more than proud to call him her friend.

"C'mon, we have to go to the prefect's carriage." Smiling, Remus offered his hand and Lily snapped away from her thoughts.

"I would be more delighted," Lily giggled, taking Remus' hand with exaggerated gracefulness.

As Remus left their compartment with Lily, he could not help but notice the blaze in James' hazel eyes which could only be described as jealousy.

He smirked pointedly at James' direction and was rewarded with James' eyes, now snapping with anger.

"You are so down," James mouthed before Remus shut the compartment door, his hand at Lily's shoulder.


Thanks for all the support~

I will never get tired of telling you how much it means to me.

Sorry if this chapter has been a bit short and still as dull as cardboard. But I don't think people would like me to describe to prefect's duty in detail.

Besides, I'd rather have more chapters than a long one. That way I can update more often.

Thanks to anyone who has made it till here so far, and enjoy♤♡♧◇

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