Chapter 15: Snily, everyone?

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Disclaimer: This is the part where I say the characters don't belong to me?

Chapter 15: Snily, everyone?

Some distance away from the doors, she was blocked by a tall, cloaked figure.

"Sna- Severus." It seemed cold, somehow, to address him with his surname, when they used to be best buds.

"Are you OK?" He asked in the hushed voice which she knew so well she could pick it up from miles away.

"None of your business." She tried to go pass him but his arm blocked her way.

"I need to know."

He was still whispering. Why was he whispering?

"I neither need nor want your concern. But if you really need that answer, then fine, I'm OK. Better than I've ever been, now that I can sort out my friends." Lily said cooly.

That wasn't true. The grief of losing Sylvia still settled in her heart, like a permanent scar.

Severus blanched.

"I didn't- I mean I'd never- I never meant it."

"It's over. Get over it." Lily wanted a clean break, but Severus was making it hard for her.

The only thing Lily wanted right now was to go back to her dormitory.

"No, you can't! You can't... I- I-" he gripped her arm so tightly that it hurt.

"Let go!" Lily wriggled, fighting the urge to smack Severus on the face with her free hand.

But that only made Severus hold her tighter.

"I never meant it. I- I would never have called you that because- because- ever since I first saw you, I- I have been entirely captivated. I- I think I l-"

"It's not use, Sev! Whatever happened- we had a great time, but it's in the past and it's time to wake up and smell the Butterbeer!" Her green eyes bored into his, and they were blazing.

"I love you." He blurted out. Holy Slytherin, did he just say those three words?

"I loved you too, Severus. You were the brother I never had, but it's over." Her eyes were thoughtful for a moment, but hardened under his passionate gaze again.

"Who do you think knocked the Death Eater out when the ropes were around you?" He demanded.

Lily stopped. Severus? Severus saved her life a few battles ago?

"I don't know. Maybe Potter?" She snapped.

Severus blanched.

"It's over." Lily finally wrestled herself out of Severus' grasp, and turned to walk away.

Watching her turn away while he was helpless, he felt an iron fist close over his... his heart, assuming he had one.

He can't just let her go so easily. He barely even tried.

Perhaps, if this was goodbye, he should at least leave himself with one good memory. No other people shall ever know, only him and Lily. Knowing Lily, she wouldn't embarass herself by telling anyone of his wild actions.

He looked around, the corridor was deserted.

"Immobulus," he whispered, the word choked in his throat.

Lily was walking back to the dormitories, she had to meet up with Alice, Marlene and Mary anyway. Tears welled up in her eyes but she did not allow them to fall.

"A clean break," she convinced herself, "would be the best for both of us."

She could feel her legs go heavy like iron and her mind numb. Was this fatigue from sadness?

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