Chapter 8: Results

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Disclaimer: Since I've did it so many times I might as well do it again.

None of what seems familar belongs to me. Now can we get on? I wanna see James win.

Chapter 8: Results

Lily slammed the small piece of parchment down, her nostrils flaring.

How was it that Potter, who hardly paid any attention to his studies, get an Outstanding in Defense Against the Dark Arts?

Lily believed that talent came with hard work, those who did not make an effort will never get a good grade.

And now Potter was getting an O. In Lily's eyes, this was more mortifying than defying the laws of physics.

She re-read Potter's attached copy of his O.W.L.s results.


Pass Grades: Outstanding (O)
Exceeds Expectations (E)
Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades: Poor (P)
Dreadful (D)
Troll (T)


Ancient Runes A
Astronomy P
Care of Magical Creatures A

Charms E
Defence Against the Dark Arts O
Herbology E
History of Magic D
Transfiguration E
Potions A

7 O.W.L.s! What on Earth were the examiners thinking?

Lily felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she gazed at the small black 'O'. Was her mind playing tricks on her? She could just imagine Potter laughing behind her back right now, saying how idiotic she was to ever make a bet with him.

It would be the height of rudeness not to write back but at that moment Lily couldn't care less. He could put that in his pipe and smoke it for all she cared. Her only concern was if there were any way to get out of this.

For the fist time in her life, she dreaded going back to Hogwarts.

She didn't want to face Severus' sneers, Potter's smug laughs or the workload or the nonsense about You-Know-Who or anything.

She just wanted to curl up in her bed, hang out with some girlfriends, live the most of her life and maybe even get on Petunia's good side.

Was that too much to ask for?


Lily sighed. Being a muggle-born was hard. If only someone could look out for her, care for her. Of course, she had Marlene, Alice and Mary but sometimes, Lily couldn't help but wonder if that was enough.

~~~3 weeks later~~~

This scene was too familar Lily could almost picture her next step.

She'd run through the magical barrier. Check.

Say goodbye and don't cry over Petunia's cold glances. Check.

Find her friends. Check.

Or maybe, if she was lucky, find an empty compartment in the process. Check.

Lean against window and wait for the minutes to pass. Check.

Oh, almost forgot. Lock the compartment door. She needed to avoid Potter and delay their next meeting for as long as possible.

Her friends were busy chatting about their summer. Alice finally disclosed the fact that she and Frank were dating.

Mary had recently become very interested in cooking and had a summer course, which she thought had 'shaped her for the better' and that she could 'tell the difference between a cookie and a brownie now'.

Marlene had some family moments. Her brothers were growing up and starting to become annoying. They went on a summer vacation to Japan.

"Lily? Lily!"


Alice rolled her eyes. "How was your summer?"

"Oh, you know. The usual." Lily sighed and her friends knew better than to press on the matter.

Alice narrowed her eyes. "I can read you like an open book now, you know? What's on your plate?"

Lily feigned innocence. "What?"

Marlene cut in. "Oh, c'mon. You've been staring at the door for ten minutes already and everytime someone knocks on it you jump. What is it?"

"Spill. Is it about Potter?" Mary added.

Lily bit her lip and with a shaking voice she recounted her drunken night and her bet in detail, and also the outcome. She hadn't spoken about this with her friends since the O.W.L.s.

Mary was shocked. Alice was fanning herself with her hands dramatically but Marlene merely grimaced.

"Players." She snorted. "They only know how to make bets."

"I don't blame you for being drunk, Lily." She added. "But you might wanna be more careful next time."

"His offer was so appealing." Lily whined.

"Never make a bet with a guy." Mary said solemnly.

"I take it you wanna slip out?" Alice asked.

Lily pouted.

"Fine. There'll be someone beside you at every recess, every meal and practically anytime, ok?"

Lily grinned.

"But you should probably know that it's pretty annoying when people go back on their word." Marlene said, looking at her fingernails.

Lily froze. If Marlene objected then none of the others will lift a finger.

"Only this time, ok?"

Lily breathed out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. "Thanks, Marls."

With a heavy weight off her chest, Lily couldn't help grinning as the train sped towards Hogwarts. She was going to enjoy her sixth year.


Oh, c'mon! I wanna speed up to the kiss and a detailed seventh year, is that too much to ask for?

I swear I'm picking up the pace. A bit more time?

And I need ideas on how James can seperare Lily from her friends. And honestly, I'm running low on ideas.

Until then ;)

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