Chapter 30:The Beginning

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Chapter 30: The Beginning

"Lily!" Marlene brightened up, while the others exchanged smirks as they took in their entwined hands.

Lily moved to take her hand away from James', which he held onto tightly. He cleared his throat, but instead of silencing the room, the boys just made louder snickers.

Marlene scowled. "If y'all don't shut up right now, I'll personally-"

Sirius sobered up immediately, sighing heavily. "Good ole death threats."

"As long as they work." Marlene said smugly. Then she patted the empty space beside her. "Lily, sit down! Keep standing and you're gonna die like Binns." And so Lily gladly obliged.

"I don't get the humor in it all." Lily muttered so nobody but Marlene could hear.

"Well." Marlene whispered back. "If you happen to have been kissing in corridors, I advise you to bring a comb."

Lily blushed heavily. "T or D again?" She asked, a little too brightly in her attempt to change the topic.

Marlene nodded, somewhat sadly. "And Sirius is just dared to kiss anyone but me when you guys come back."

"Ah." Was all Lily said in return, and shot Sirius a death stare exclusively reserved for her enemies, who pouted.

"Marlene would kill me," he wailed, shooting daggers at Remus, who was eyeing him carefully.

Lily glanced sideways at James, meaning to catch his eye and consult his thoughts. That's when she noticed his arm reaching for his wand. He stood up and tapped Marlene, Lily and Remus on the head respectively, they vanished.

"God knows Pads and Moony have been itching to try that out again for ages," he muttered, low enough only for Lily to hear. Then, in a louder voice, he said, "Alrighty, to spare my dutiful hound the last of his dignity, please stay in your seats and he will come kiss you should he desire. Pads will invisibalize himself after I'm done, okay?."

"Is that a word?" Lily wondered out loud.

"It is now," James rolled his eyes, then vanished himself. Sirius did the same soon afterwards.

Then, warm lips brushed over hers and Lily jumped, but a single touch from her kisser's hand and the megavolt electricity it conveyed told her that it was James. "Let's go," he suggested.

"Let's," she agreed, and they slipped out from the room unnoticed, both trying to be ignorant of the sucking and moaning.

Closing the door behind them, James asked, "d'you mind if I stay in your room for a while though? Mind'"

"I don't mind," Lily said faintly. "It's yours by rights." Sharing a room with James freaking Potter! Famed player and known for his bad reputation! And to think about being so close to each other after...after...

"Don't worry," he grinned slyly, as if reading every thought that passed her head. "You'll past the night unharmed and whole."

"I don't think I'll take your word for it, though." Lily bit back a smile, James was a godsend.

"Spare me your airs, lass. You love me."

"Perhaps," she breathed, leading him through the door and fell onto the bed, laying her hand onto one arm. "Perhaps not and that all I need is someone to warm my bed."

"Never mock a genie," he warned, pulling up a chair beside her bed and tucked her blankets in. "Get some sleep."

Lily looked at him skeptically.

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