Chapter 19: Patronuses, Strengthening Human Imagination Since The Age of Lames

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Disclaimer: If you haven't figured it out by now, you're an idiot. All these wonderful characters belong to JKR, I have no claim over them:(

Chapter 19: Patronuses, Strengthening Human Imagination Since The Age of Lames

Lily's grasp on her wand loosened and it fell to the ground with a braely audible thump.

Alice, graceful as a panther, swooped it up and handed it to Lily.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

"You can't be a natural at every spell." Alice rolled her eyes.

"I'm trying my best. This just. Doesn't. Work." She gritted her teeth.

"Nobody has achieved it yet, you know." Alice raised her hand airily.

"Oh, please." Lily scoffed. "I don't care if others haven't accomplished it yet. This is solely for my own pleasure."

"Sure. And if it makes you feel better, James doesn't seem to have to mastered it yet."

"It's out of my concern. And why do you say so?"

"Well, unless he practises every night, I doubt anyone can master it without practise." Mary joined the conversation.

"I s'pose!" The words came out harsher than usual as wisps of smoke came out from the tip of Lily's wand.

"Forget it, I'm hopeless." Lily grimaced.

"Keep trying. What were you thinking about?" Mary asked, her interest piqued.

"Oh, um, I got my letter."

"I see," Alice's voice was hard, sensing her lie, but didn't ask any questions.

Lily felt guilty about lying, but she didn't want anyone to know about her childish imaginations of her and Petunia getting along.

"Work on it, you'll get better soon."

"At least you got smoke." Mary said.

Lily laughed. As she did so, an unwelcome memory flitted into her mind.

She was in her sixth year again. Her back to the wall, his lips molding against hers. Her cheeks were a dark shade of scarlet.

She gasped involuntarily and nearly collapsed on the ground, which she would have done so if not for a strong arm which steadied her.

"Whoa. Steady there."

She looked up, the boy in her memory, a enchanting grin playing on his sculptured lips. Lily felt her mouth go dry.

"I'm fine. Um, thanks." She patted the imaginary dust off her robes. It seemed strange, her expressing gratitude to Potter the scallywag.

"Anytime." He was still grinning. Behind him she could see Sirius determinedly not looking in their direction.

"You and Sirius had a row?" Lily asked and saw the humor in his eyes die away.

"Who's angry at whom?" She asked, trying to conceal her grin, remembering last night, or technically this morning.

His mouth was pressed into a thin line. "Him at me, surprisingly."

'Really?" Lily couldn't quite contain her shock.

James nodded once.

"I'm sure things will get, erm, right back on track, soon." Lily bit her lip and turned away.

Her conversation with James just now distracted her, but seeing him again let her revisit her memory more vividly.

She grasped at the tiny details of it, letting the gentle sweetness of it envelop as she gave over her senses. She closed her eyes, fully immersing herself into the memory.

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